Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 702 Blood stained stone platform

Chapter 702 Blood stained stone platform

Miao Yuan gave a plan: "Donor Duan Zi, do you think this is okay? You and I, just the two of us, will search the room.

During the search, we acted together and supervised each other. This not only prevented me from destroying evidence, but also prevented you from framing me. "

Duan Zi felt that he was not afraid of the shadows as he stood upright, so he immediately agreed: "Okay, let's implement this plan."

Tang Yan's opinion was not asked at all.

However, in order to send Xiao Yi and the others away, Tang Yan did not stop Duan Zi from entering the house and searching.

After all, blocking these women is not the key, but distracting them is the key.

Miao Yuan and Duan Zi searched the room carefully for half an hour, but found nothing.

Duan Zi walked out of the room, still insisting that Tang Yan was the murderer.

"Tang Yan, although I have found no evidence, the suspicion on you is still not cleared. You are still the biggest suspect for killing senior brother."

Tang Yan found it funny: "Oh? Then what do you want to do?"

"I..." Duan Zi didn't think of a countermeasure for the time being.

Miao Yuan added: "Anyway, everyone is not in the mood to sleep tonight. I think it's better to let's investigate the case together and find the murderer."

Duan Zi asked: "How do you want to investigate the case?"

"Let's go to the crime scene first. You haven't even seen the crime scene, and you want to press your head to make the pretty sister admit the crime. This is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? At least you need to understand why."

Duan Zi stared straight at Tang Yan: "Okay, when we get to the scene, I'll see how you continue to quibble."

So a group of people went to the competition ground.

When passing by Xiao B and Xiao B's room, Tang Yan called them out.

Of course, what came out were just two paper figures that looked exactly like Xiao Yi and Xiao C.

Tang Yan's paper-piercing technique is becoming more and more realistic.Unless you have some expertise in paper-cutting people, it would be difficult to tell that they are not human.

Arriving at the competition ground, Tang Yan finally saw clearly the death of Duan Zhengyi.

The entire stone platform was stained red with blood and has now solidified.

The most important thing is Duan Zhengyi's death posture, which is a bit thought-provoking.

Duan Zi said: "Eldest Brother's death pose is the one you threw him on stage in the end. What else can you say now? Tang Yan, the murderer is you."

Tang Yan laughed disdainfully: "I just have the word murderer engraved on my forehead. Do you think the real murderer would be that stupid?

You can't even see such a clumsy frame-up. I think you are the ones who are really stupid. "

Duan Zi's expression was indignant: "You are using such strong words to make sense."

Tang Yan ignored Duan Zi and walked around the stone platform again.

The night wind made her thoughts become clearer and clearer.

The focus of this murder should not be on this so-called senior brother.

Tang Yan asked Miaoyuan in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Is there anything special about this stone? Is it related to the sealing formation?"

"Well, this stone platform can absorb spiritual energy and is one of the four pillars of the sealing formation. Now it has been completely contaminated by the blood gas."

Therefore, the real purpose of the murderer is actually to destroy the sealing formation.

It seems obvious who the murderer is.

Miao Yuan was a little puzzled: "Beautiful sister, you and that person should have no grudges, right? Why did he frame you?"

"He is not framed because there is no evidence that the murderer is me. Just a gesture cannot explain the problem."

(End of this chapter)

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