Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 704 The Second Pillar

Chapter 704 The Second Pillar
Tang Yan answered smoothly: "It doesn't matter, I am a generous lady and I am not as knowledgeable as them."

"But." Duan Xiuman changed the topic: "No matter who the murderer is, Miss Tang, you are still suspected.

Because you were the only one who had a conflict with Duan Zhengyi during the day, you have this motive for committing the crime.

But don't worry, I won't say that you are the murderer without evidence.

We will leave this matter to the police and the Duan family will not interfere in any way. "

Tang Yan could tell that Duan Xiuman actually meant something in his words: "Master Duan, if you have anything to say, you can just say it."

"Tomorrow is the most important annual ancestor worship ceremony of our Duan family. In order for the ancestor worship ceremony to be held safely, as the head of the family, I must nip any signs of danger in advance."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Duan Xiuman stated her purpose: "I want to aggrieve Miss Tang and stay in one place until the ancestor worship ceremony is completed."

Tang Yan said very bluntly: "Your consciousness is to imprison me?"

Duan Xiuman corrected: "It's not about imprisonment, but asking Miss Tang to stay somewhere for a while, and our people will protect your safety."

Haha, what is the difference between this and imprisonment?
It's so grandiose.

Even though she wants to act, if she agrees readily, that would be out of character for her.

Therefore, Tang Yan's first reaction was to refuse: "What if I don't agree? Are you still going to fight with me?"

A hint of impatience flashed in Duan Xiuman's eyes: "Miss Tang, you may have forgotten the fact that you were suppressed on this evil mountain.

Although you are very strong in physical skills, I believe you cannot deal with our many Duan family disciples who can use spiritual power. "

It means that if Tang Yan doesn't agree, these women from the Duan family will come together to beat her up.

It's a bit of a rogue thing.

Duan Xiuman added: "Ms. Tang, you are a smart person. I believe you will make the right choice."

Tang Yan thought for a few seconds and then agreed: "It's a good thing if someone protects me. Okay, lead the way."

Duan Xiuman ordered Duan Zi: "Take her to Baishi Cave."

"Yes." Duan Zi walked in front: "Come with me." Tang Yan glanced at Miao Yuan: "Hey, monk, give me a ride."


Xiao Yi and Xiao B exchanged greetings with Tang Yan and then returned to the cabin.

Looking at Tang Yan's back, Duan Xiuman's eyes flashed with a trace of scarlet hatred.

Tang Yan pretended not to notice such hostile looks.

Duan Hong suddenly felt that her master's eyes were so scary, so she bit the bullet and asked, "Master, what should I do with the body of my senior brother?"

"Just like that, protect the crime scene and notify the police after the ancestor worship ceremony."

"Yes, Master."

Duan Hong actually wanted to say that it was better to handle the case sooner rather than later. If the police were not notified until the ancestor worship ceremony, all the evidence would be lost.

But this was the master's decision, and she didn't dare to say anything.

The scarlet color in Duan Xiuman's eyes disappeared, and she suddenly asked: "Where is Xianyue? Why didn't you see her?"

Duan Hong replied: "Senior Sister Xianyue had her period today and her stomach hurts terribly. She should be resting in her room now."

"I remember there are still five days until her menstrual period."

"Well, Senior Sister Xianyue started early this month, so her stomach hurts so much."

"it is good."


Here, Tang Yan followed Duan Zi to Baishi Cave.

She and Miao Yuan followed at a distance.

Tang Yan asked: "Is there a pillar that seals the formation in the White Stone Cave?"

(End of this chapter)

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