Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 705 Replacing Duan Zi

Chapter 705 Replacing Duan Zi
Miao Yuan replied in a long voice: "Well, that's really smart. I guessed it right at once."

It's interesting that Duan Xiuman put her under house arrest there.

Tang Yan stretched his body: "It seems that the current head of the Duan family is also thinking about sealing the formation. Monk, do you feel that your previous idea of ​​strengthening the formation was too naive?"

Miao Yuan felt that his previous ideas were not only naive, but simply out of step with the times.

Over the past hundred years, too many changes have occurred.

This is no longer the world he knew back then.

If he didn't know Tang Yan, the consequences would be disastrous.

Miao Yuan touched her bald head and said, "You don't want to open or pick up the pot, but I didn't expect that you would be put under house arrest by Duan Xiuman. This is not your character."

"Who said I would be under house arrest?"

Miao Yuan couldn't understand: "Aren't you on the road to being under house arrest now? Do you want to run away midway?"

"Hehehe..." Tang Yan pointed at Duan Zi who was walking in front.

Miao Yuan had a bold idea, and this girl's paper-tying skills were superb.

"You don't want to use Duan Zi's face, do you?"

In this case, the rightful owner must have been knocked unconscious and hidden.

So this Baishi Cave actually became the place where Duan Zi was placed under house arrest?
Miao Yuan gave a thumbs up: "This move of Li Daitao is really high."

"Basic operation, basic operation."

Miao Yuan opened her mind again: "Actually, I'm still curious. Is what is standing in front of me now your true body, or is it just a person stuck in paper?"

Tang Yan squinted her eyes and smiled like a little fox: "Guess."

"I won't guess anymore. Even if my brain cells are dead, I won't be able to guess."

Miao Yuan was a little relieved. What Tang Yan was doing now was such a dangerous thing as purifying resentment. The more ways to save his life, the more safety he would have.

Duan Zi in front stopped angrily and turned around.

"Hey, what are you waiting for, Tang Yan, you don't think you still have a chance to escape now, do you? Our people are all up and down the Evil Crossing Mountain. Where do you think you can escape? Why don't you hurry up and move faster? point."

Tang Yan trotted to follow.

Soon we arrived at Baishi Cave, which was guarded by four dedicated Duan family disciples.

After Duan Zi explained his purpose, the guarding disciple opened the door of the cave.

Duan Zi pointed at the entrance of the cave: "Go in, please."

Tang Yan didn't respond.

Duan Zi held back his anger: "Tang Yan, you've already arrived at the entrance of this cave. If you don't go in, do you want me to carry you in?"

"How do I know there's no danger in this cave? If it were you, how dare you go in so easily? What if you set a trap inside?"

The bitch is just being pretentious, Duan Zi was annoyed: "Then what do you want to do?"

"You accompany me in, make sure it's safe inside, and then come out."

Duan Zi felt that with four powerful guard disciples around, Tang Yan would not dare to do anything harmful to her.

Duan Zi looked at Tang Yan with contempt and walked directly into the cave first.

Tang Yan quickly followed in.

After a while, the guarding disciples felt that Senior Sister Duan Zi had taken too long to enter, and were about to go in to see what was going on.

Then he saw Duan Zi coming out: "Keep a close eye on the bitch inside, you must not let her escape."

Tang Yan imitated Duan Zi's tone and demeanor so perfectly that the guarding disciples couldn't tell anything unusual.

"Yes, Senior Sister Duan Zi, don't worry, we will definitely keep an eye on her."



(End of this chapter)

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