Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 716 Killing Dog Man

Chapter 716 Killing Dog Man

Ouyang Hanshuang's eyes regained their composure, and the corners of his eyes lifted up enchantingly.

"I must abide by the laws of the human world in the human world. I know that Lan Guyue at that time was sealed because she became a resentful spirit.

If I broke the seal and rescued her, the human world would be in chaos, so I put this matter on hold for now.

It's just that if something happens to her now, I will die without saving her, and my conscience won't let go. "

Tang Yan said in a cold tone: "You have a good conscience, but you ruined my affairs. Considering that you helped me when we were in Nanyang, we are now clear, and no one owes anyone anything in the future. "

"The accounts in your little notebook are really clear." Ouyang Hanshuang changed the topic again: "Okay, let's not talk about this. There is something I need to remind you."

Things that can make even fairies suddenly become serious are probably not a good thing.

"what's up?"

Ouyang Hanshuang glanced out the window worriedly. The sky was still so gray and very depressing.

"When Lan Guyue was alive, she tried to open the passage between the human world and the Shura world, but she gave up because she was not strong enough at that time.

Now that her cultivation has greatly increased, I'm worried that her main purpose next is not to deal with you, but to open the connection channel first. "

Why do these alien races want to open a channel to the human world?Is this how they care about the human world?
"Why would she want to open the passage?"

"That's her mission. This is why the saint sent her to the human world. Even if she doesn't want to, the instructions in her blood will force her to take this path.

Opening the passage is not the point. The point is that you have the aura of the gods in your body. The Shura clan and the gods have fought many times because of the sacred tree and are mortal enemies.

Therefore, if the passage is opened, you will be the key target of the Shura clan's attack. "

Tang Yan has heard of this story.

It is said that the Shura tribe has a sacred tree whose roots and branches grow in the Shura world, but the fruit-bearing part is in the divine world.For this reason, the Shura clan has launched several wars against the Gods in an attempt to regain the fruit, but failed every time.

Therefore, the resentment between the two tribes is very deep.

Ouyang Hanshuang's ability to get close to her is considered a miracle among the Shura clan.

Tang Yan turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Hanshuang: "It's okay to attack me, just to see if they have that strength. In fact, I'm more curious, what do you want to do in the human world?"

Ouyang Hanshuang made no secret, and the familiar killing intent flashed through his eyes again: "Come after the dog man."

Miao Yuan couldn't help but interject: "Amitabha, the female benefactor, the sea of ​​love is boundless, and it's easy to turn around. It's not worth wasting your time on a doggy man."

Ouyang Hanshuang leaned back in his chair charmingly: "I'm happy. How could a monk like you understand that chasing down dog men is also a kind of fun."

Miao Yuan shook her head: "Hey, what is love in this world?"

Tang Yan complained to him: "You have never experienced the love between a man and a woman, so don't ask what this is and what that is. If you have time, you might as well recite more sutras and don't get involved in secular affairs between men and women." "

"..." The young monk could not refute!
Tang Yan drove to the entrance of Gongzhu County and saw Jiang Rufei leaning against a car, smoking a cigarette, as if waiting for someone.

Seeing Tang Yan, he put out his cigarette butt and walked over.

Tang Yan stopped the car and got out of the car: "Why are you here? Shouldn't the formation be maintained at the border of Princess County?"

Jiang Rufei looked helpless and pointed to the car in front: "There is an uncle who doesn't trust you and insists on coming in to advance and retreat together with you."

  This is one of the explanations of the war between Asuras and gods in the Buddhist scriptures.

(End of this chapter)

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