Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 717 The President's Son

Chapter 717 The President's Son
Tang Yan couldn't figure out who would want to advance and retreat with her at this time?

And he is also an "uncle" who can command and control Jiang Rufei?
Tang Yan said: "How can you let the old man put himself in danger? What if the old man can't keep up when we are running away or fighting, and his bones fall apart? Are you responsible for picking them up?"

Jiang Rufei complained inwardly that he only described him as "uncle", but he was not really an uncle.

At this time, a man got out of the passenger seat of the car in front.

He wore a well-tailored blue suit with no unnecessary decoration. The sleeves were made of solid gold carved buttons, which was low-key and luxurious.

The man's hair is meticulously combed, his facial features are exquisite, and his face is stern. Just standing there without speaking can make people feel the pressure of a superior.

The shape of his eyebrows is very similar to Bai Jingjing's.

Tang Yan probably had a guess: "Are you Erjing's uncle's son?"

In ancient times, that was the proper crown prince.

"What is her uncle's son? Can't you change the name?" Jiang Rufei didn't expect to say anything nice from Tang Yan.

The man in the blue suit nodded respectfully and introduced himself: "Well, hello, Tang Yan. I am Lu Jinyi, Jingjing's cousin. We are all part of the same family. You can also call me cousin."

Lu Rong treated Tang Yan as her own daughter, so Lu Jinyi truly felt that they were all one family.

Tang Yan: "..."

How on earth did you say such familiar words with that paralyzed face?

It seems that the Lu family's self-cultivation is really rooted in family education.

Tang Yan asked him: "Why did the prince come to such a dangerous place?"

Lu Jinyi didn't think there was anything wrong with Tang Yan's title: "You are doing something important for the country and the people. You, a little girl, are willing to sacrifice your life like this. Naturally, I can't cower behind you. I must stand with you." On the front." This young man speaks like an old man, so it's not wrong to call you grandpa.

"I wonder what kind of abilities the prince has? After all, this place is dangerous now. Let us all know the truth." Tang Yan asked directly.

Lu Jinyi answered calmly: "Well, I'm just an ordinary person."

What?you sure?Are you just an ordinary person?Then how dare you come in?Do you rely on love to defeat your enemies?

Tang Yan cast a questioning look at Jiang Rufei.

Jiang Rufei nodded dejectedly: "Yes, you heard me right. Young Master Lu is really an ordinary person who knows nothing."

Tang Yan was a little anxious: "You bring him here as an ordinary person? He has a distinguished status, and you just let him do whatever he wants? If something happens to him, who among us can afford it?"

Isn't this adding to the chaos?

Jiang Rufei defended himself: "What can I do? The President has now handed over the Seventh Bureau of General Affairs to him. He is the immediate boss of my immediate boss. We must obey the orders of our superiors."

Lu Jinyi said: "Yan Yan, you don't have to worry about me. My luck has always been good, and I will definitely bring good luck to you."

Do you think you are a mascot? Is the koi reincarnated?
Tang Yan looked at him: "I'm worried that you will hold me back."

Lu Jinyi said very seriously: "Don't worry, it won't happen. If the enemy uses me to threaten you, I will definitely kill myself before she threatens you, and I will never cause you any trouble."


Tang Yan finally understood Jiang Rufei's helplessness and his complete inability to reason. The most important thing is that he understands the pros and cons and makes decisive choices. You can't be harsh or scold him.

(End of this chapter)

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