Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 719 Domineering Frost

Chapter 719 Domineering Frost
When Yu Tong saw Tang Yan, she became angry. For no reason, she just didn't like this woman.

The two slaps she received and the humiliation of calling her dad were deeply engraved in her heart and turned into hatred.

Yu Tong looked at Lu Jinyi and then at Jiang Rufei, with a disdainful smile on her lips: "Haha, in the blink of an eye, someone changed two men again. It's like he can't live without a man. "

Brother Yun should now see clearly the true face of this woman, she is restless.

Before Tang Yan could react, Ouyang Hanshuang threw the sleeping calico cat into her arms.

Then with a "swipe" of the ground, he rushed over with lightning speed, grabbed Yu Tong, slapped her twice, and then threw her to the ground.

"Little sister, if you don't know how to speak, shut your mouth. Sister, in my life, I hate you, the eccentric White Lotus, the most.

If you have the strength, just give me a fight. If you don't have the strength, stop comparing yourself to others. Otherwise, let me teach you how to be a human being. "

The majestic master of one of the three main halls of the black market showed his power, and his momentum was unmatched by ordinary people.

Miao Yuan clasped her hands together: "It's incredible, it's incredible, girls nowadays are really incredible, each one is more domineering than the last."

Ouyang Hanshuang couldn't bear to see anyone talking about Tang Yan, so the attack would naturally be harsh.

Yu Tong's face instantly became red and swollen, and she fell to the ground, crying and almost unable to open her eyes.

The little attendant frowned and helped her up.

Yu Tong looked at Yun Xie with a mournful face: "Brother Yun, they, they bullied me."

No matter how bad Yu Tong is, she is also the daughter of the great elder of the exorcism clan.

He was beaten once by Tang Yan in front of him before, and now he was bullied by the woman in red.

It would be unjustifiable for him to continue to ignore it.Yun Xie stared at Ouyang Hanshuang with cold eyes: "Junior sister Tong just said a word, girl, you are so harsh, have you gone too far?"

Ouyang Hanshuang stared at Yun Xie with equal force: "Oh, you, a cultivator of evil ways, have the nerve to accuse me of what I did? Again, if you want to stand up for her, then you should first think about what you can do. You can’t beat me.”

This woman in red has an alien aura about her, and she can tell at a glance that he is cultivating an evil path. She is very strong, so strong that one cannot clearly see her strength.

It's not a good time to be extravagant.

Yu Tong was anxious to defend Yun Xie: "What do you say, you witch? What do you mean by cultivating evil? We, the exorcist clan, have been fighting against evil spirits overseas for a long time to maintain peace. You are not allowed to slander my brother Yun."

"Haha." Ouyang Hanshuang gave her a look that looked like a fool.

Yun Xie's cold voice sounded: "Junior sister Tong, we are now in alliance with Miss Tang and have a common enemy. I hope you will think twice before speaking again and don't offend your companions easily. Let this be a lesson."

Haha, I really will find a way out for myself.

Ouyang Hanshuang looked down on such a hypocritical man.

Yu Tong always listened to Yun Xie's words, so she pouted and said reluctantly: "Oh, Brother Yun, I know I was wrong."

Yun Xie stopped talking and walked into the farmyard first. The little follower supported Yu Tong and followed him.

When Tang Yan and the others were about to go in, another group of people came, it was the women from the Duan family.

Miao Yuan sighed: "Prince, this place you chose is truly a paradise. Three waves of people gathered together at the same time."

(End of this chapter)

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