Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 720: A look of death

Chapter 720: A look of death
The women of the Duan family quickly gathered around.

Duan Hong raised her voice and pointed at Tang Yan: "Master, it's the witch who killed senior brother and Duan Zi."

They didn't dare to take action immediately, mainly because of the three extra people on Tang Yan's side.

They knew Jiang Rufei, the captain of the second team of the seventh game, with an official background and strong strength.

Although the other man and woman could not see their cultivation level, they were definitely not ordinary people who came to Princess County at this time.

Coupled with the battle on the top of the mountain, the strength Tang Yan showed was also a bit intimidating to them.

Duan Xiuman quickly concealed the cruelty in his eyes. It seemed that it would not be easy to deal with that woman. He could not contact the owner for the time being, so he had to think of a way.

However, although he couldn't hurt the woman, he could still use his words to disgust her.

Duan Xiuman gave Duan Hong a look, and Duan Hong immediately understood.

She did not directly insult Tang Yan, but looked at Jiang Rufei: "Captain Jiang, it is in vain that you are still a righteous person, you actually got together with Tang Yaonv, do you know what she did on our Crossing Evil Mountain? "

Jiang Rufei was simply curious about what trouble Tang Yan had caused: "What did she do?"

Duan Hong thought Jiang Rufei's attitude was a little loose, and a hint of joy flashed on his face, and he quickly said: "She not only destroyed our Shangqing Temple, but also killed our senior brother and senior sister Duan Zi."

It sounds like everything is a big deal. Jiang Rufei teased Tang Yan: "You really go and destroy wherever you go."

Tang Yan had a cold face: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Except for the slightest relationship between Shangqing Guan Ruan and her, the other two things are slander.

However, she didn't care. Tang Yan glanced at the group of women in the Duan family: "Instead of causing trouble for me here, you might as well worry about your own safety first.

Don’t you feel that the number of people in your team is decreasing at any time? "

Tang Yan's words made the Duan family disciples panic. Indeed, as they walked along, there were fewer people in the team at any time.

Master said that those people might have escaped from the battlefield. Although they felt that something was wrong, they did not dare to say anything.

Duan Hong hurriedly retorted and said in a fast voice: "Sisters, don't listen to this witch's nonsense, she is sowing discord.

It is normal for people in a team to have different intentions and leave. The key is that those who stay must trust their teammates. "

Someone in the crowd answered: "We cannot waver in our position just because of one or two words from the other party. You must know that she is the person who destroyed our Taoist temple and killed our senior brother and sister. You cannot believe a word of her words."

"Yes, we can't let unfounded suspicions hurt our own people's hearts."

Facing these Duan family disciples who are willing to go all the way to the dark side, what else can be said.

Ouyang Hanshuang touched his chin and moved his delicate little nose: "Fools, all of you are darkened and have a lifeless look on your face. Be careful of the person with the highest status around you."

After saying that, he put his arms around Tang Yan's shoulders: "Let's go in, Yan Yan, you can't control others who want to die."

After saying that, they ignored the Duan family and walked into the farmhouse.

The female disciple next to Duan Hong couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Senior sister, what does the woman in red mean? What does it mean that our Yintang is black and has a dead look on our face? Why does she tell us to be careful about the person with the highest status around us?"

(End of this chapter)

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