Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 721 Bullying Child Labor

Chapter 721 Bullying Child Labor
The one with the highest status, isn't that their master?

Why should they be careful about Master?
Duan Hong glared at the female disciple who asked the question, and then raised her voice, as if she wanted to tell Tang Yan's group of people who were walking away.

"Why do we call Yintang black? Don't you think it's ridiculous? We are all Xuanmen monks. If Zhenyintang turns black, we won't be able to tell. Do you think I look like Yintang black?"

The female disciple observed Duan Hong's face for a while and shook her head: "I can't tell."

"That's it, that woman in red is just talking nonsense.

And she told us to be careful about Master. How kind Master is to us, have you forgotten?
We can be wary of anyone, but isn’t it a bit ridiculous to be wary of the Master?

Don't you still see it?The reason why Tang Yan and the woman in red sang those words in unison was to provoke internal fighting among us.

If we really listen to what they say, then we are falling into their trap. "

At this time, Duan Xiuman added imposingly: "If any of us feel it is unsafe to stay in this team, you can leave now. No one will stop you."

Duan family disciples: "We will never leave you, Master. We will work with you, Master, to eliminate demons and defend the Way."

Duan Hong now has more and more say in the team, and she can't hide the pride on her face: "Master, that woman Tang Yan has found a helper again, are we going to let her go like this?"

Duan Xiuman looked inside the farmhouse: "As a teacher, we have our own plans. Let's go inside to find a place to rest first, and then discuss the next strategy."



This small farmyard is quite spacious, so spacious that the three waves of people all found their own small courtyard as their own place to stay, without interfering.

After Tang Yan and the others assigned rooms, a group of people came to the living room.

Jiang Rufei sat on the chair carelessly: "Tang Yan, that Duan Xiuman seems a little abnormal, what's going on with her?" Tang Yan lowered his head and played with his mobile phone: "Do you remember the Dragon Organization? Duan? Xiuman's body has been taken over by that giant red eye."

"I'll go, no wonder I think her eyes are evil and a bit familiar, but it's quite sad that the dignified head of the Duan family can be corrupted by the devil. You said she has been tit-for-tat with you before, is it because of suffering? Demonic influence?”

"Then who knows? Maybe she just dislikes me so much."

At this time, Lu Jinyi walked up to Tang Yan and looked down at her: "Playing too much on your mobile phone is bad for your eyes."

Tang Yan switched to another interface. Let me go. Do you really think you are my brother?It's really lenient.

Jiang Rufei was also a little curious: "There is no mobile phone signal here. I see you are having fun playing with your mobile phone. What are you doing?"

Tang Yan replied: "Find someone to cry miserably."

Jiang Rufei felt that he might have heard wrongly: "Do you have a personality that makes people cry miserably? Are you kidding me?"

"Why can't I cry miserably? As the saying goes, a child who cries gets milk."

Jiang Rufei was even more confused: "No, there is no mobile phone signal. Where are you going to find milk? Is your mobile phone any different?"

Tang Yan smiled and said nothing.

The mobile phone has no signal and cannot contact the outside world.

But unexpectedly, the God Realm app can be used.

She is currently browsing the gossip forum and posted a post with the title: "The gods have a black conscience and blatantly bully child laborers. Is this a loss of morals or a distortion of divinity?" 】

(End of this chapter)

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