Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 722 Weak and pitiful

Chapter 722 Weak and pitiful

In a short time, Tang Yan’s accusatory post had reached dozens of floors.

Jidu Xingjun: When I first saw it, I was wondering who posted the post with such a weird name. When I looked at the signature again, it was Tang Xiaowawa, so it’s not surprising.

God of War Xingtian: Isn’t it weird?Since when did she have such a charming style?I always feel like there's something weird about it.

Taishang Laojun: Please explain to me, what does bullying of child labor mean?What does bullying of child labor mean?Do you want to come to my medicine garden and see who is bullying whom among my herbs that have not grown yet?

The little medicine boy of Laojun's family: Laojun, calm down, calm down, don't get so angry that you get so angry.

Dr. Joe: What kind of child labor are you?I haven't even posted a post saying that you bullied me, so you're going to complain first?Which bastard recruited you here? This is his fault, a serious fault.

Dr. Joe: I’m so angry that I want to write a virus program to destroy the God Realm app.

Sister Yushen: Well, Dr. Qiao, calm down, calm down, I think you should go fishing more and relax, and don’t use this terrible app to affect your mood.

Dr. Joe: Humph, Rain God, don’t think I don’t know that you and that scum are in the same group. Forget it, out of sight, out of mind, I went fishing.


Tang Yan chose this title as a headline, because it can quickly attract attention.

Then, she followed him to the next floor and sent a few photos of the current situation in Princess County.

Tang Yan: Such serious grievances are asked to be purified by me, a weak, helpless and pitiful little girl, and only 100 merit points are given. Isn't this bullying?This is simply a hell-level task, not done by humans.

Jiutian Xuannv: A weak, helpless and pitiful little girl?Sister Tang, are you sure these adjectives apply to you appropriately?
Tang Yan: Appropriate, of course it is appropriate. These adjectives are simply tailor-made for me. At this moment, I am just the little white flower swaying in the wind, miserable and miserable.

Jidu Xingjun: That's alright. Just tell me what you want to do. I can't bear to see you acting like this. I really want to go to the lower world and fight you.

Lord Luohuixing: Jidu, let’s go and fight in the lower realm.

Jiutian Xuannv: You two must say goodbye, Yinghuo Shouxin, do you want to bring disaster to the human world?
Jidu, Rahu: Tsk, boring.

Tang Yan then revealed his purpose: I have worked so hard, do you have to give me some help?And this time it involves the Demon Realm and the Shura Realm, so your God Realm is completely indifferent?

God of War Xingtian: What?Are those guys in the Shura Realm and Demon Realm restless again?Then this is indeed a big event.

Jiutian Xuannv: Even if we knew it was a big incident, we still couldn't handle it.

At this moment, a person with a black profile picture commented.

Jun: I can help you, but considering the law of cause and effect, I cannot help you unconditionally. You have to do something.

After this level, no one replied.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes. Who is the end of this topic?

His aura is so strong that he can make a group of immortals shut down their microphones instantly. He must have a high status in the divine world.

Maybe he has a lot of status, but that's not accurate. I'm afraid he's already at the top.

So, Tang Yan clicked on the profile picture box in the private message and sent a message.

Tang Yan: What do I need to do?Will you help me?
(End of this chapter)

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