Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 724 Strange Organization

Chapter 724 Strange Organization

Enter the hero selection interface.

Lu Jinyi saw that Tang Yan and he both had the Almighty Mark, so he asked humbly: "Are you playing in the jungle or should I play in the jungle?"

He and Jiang Rufei are usually busy. Although they can play games, they don't have time to watch any live broadcasts.

Therefore, Tang Yan's "great achievements" are not yet known.

Chou Chou hurriedly stopped her: "Prince, you should be the jungler. Zha Zhayan is a soft girl and is suitable for playing Princess Yaoyao. Just lie down."

Miao Yuan, who has seen Tang Yan's skills, also agreed: "Xiao Monk thinks this is possible."

Although Lu Jinyi disagreed with this statement, it felt good to think that his sister had been following him while he was playing in the jungle.

So, with no emotion on his face, he said: "Indeed, there is no need for two wild kings in one game, Yan Yan, just play Princess Yaoyao."

Tang Yan didn't care: "Okay, no matter what position I play, it's the same."

At first, Lu Jinyi thought she was saying that she was omnipotent.

Later he realized that what that sentence meant was that she was the same no matter what position she played.

And what does her initial sentence "never lost" mean.

After entering the game, Jiang Rufei started complaining as soon as he saw the name on the other side.

"I'll go, there's something in the name of the team on the opposite side, Jidu Xingjun, War God Xingtian, Rain God Sister, Jiutian Xuannv, God King. Could it be that we encountered some weird pyramid scheme organization?"

Most people would not really think that these are the gods of the divine world, and even Ouyang Hanshuang did not think about it in this regard.

Because if it were true, it would be incredible.Only Lu Jinyi glanced at Tang Yan meaningfully.

Jiang Rufei communicated with the opponent via text within the game, but the opponent was quite cold and no one paid any attention to him.

Jiang Rufei complained while controlling the hero in his hand: "Could we be matched with humans and machines?"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that he felt it was possible: "The difference in rank between the five of us is really big. Two Glory Kings, one bronze, one silver, and one gold. It is difficult for this kind of team to match real people, so I I think it should be a match between man and machine.”

After knowing that the other party was a human-computer, Jiang Rufei gave up the idea of ​​communicating and started playing the game seriously.

Not surprisingly, Tang Yan gave away the first kill in his jungle area.

That operation made Lu Jinyi's eyes twitch, and he comforted himself that Yan Yan probably couldn't play a hero with little technical content like Yao. It was just a small mistake that would not affect the overall situation.

However, it is really just a small mistake.

Why did Yao throw away his control skills when they were squatting in the grass, exposing their position and letting the opposing mage run away?
Why did Yaodu turn around and rush into the crowd to give away people's heads after turning into a deer state?
Also, the first five heads were sent out by her alone. This is really...

Lu Jinyi couldn't help but ask: "Yan Yan, isn't it true that your King of Glory was not hired to fight for you?"

Chou Chou laughed so much that he rolled on his chair: "Now you understand why I let her play Princess Yaoyao. Playing other heroes will make you even more angry. However, she did play this role by herself, so be good to her Look at her name.”

Lu Jinyi: "!!!" Can you lie down at any time?Being able to lie down to her level is unique in the world.

What more can be said?It can only be said that my sister has lit up strange skill points.

(End of this chapter)

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