Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 725 He is the God King

Chapter 725 He is the God King
Tang Yan, the King of Glory, is no different from bronze.

So the situation is that Lu Jinyi, the god, is desperately trying to lead the four pigs.

There are three routes of support: upper, middle and lower. You also need to pay attention to your own jungle area and explore the grass yourself.

Although I won in the end, it was quite tiring to win.

I don't want to open a second one at all.

So they really only opened one.

After exiting the game, Lu Jinyi curiously logged into King again and found that it was still in the same offline state.

It was as if the duel just now was an illusion.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Tang Yan again. His sister seemed a little unusual.

Jiang Rufei noticed something interesting: "Tang Yan, I always have an illusion when playing games.

I always feel that the people on the opposite side called Jidu Xingjun and God of War Xingtian always like to chase you and kill you.

Don't you have any deep grudges?If even humans and machines hate you, then you are really awesome. "

Tang Yan continued to scroll through her phone while replying: "That is indeed your hallucination."

Jiang Rufei said again: "There is also the one named God King, who always seems to be saving you intentionally or unintentionally. He feels like a spy here.

In the end, if he hadn't deliberately let loose, I don't think we could have won this game. By the way, isn't there really a retreat between you and the human machine? "

"Would you like to have sex with a human and show it to me?"

"Perhaps this is the black technology you are talking about. The latest artificial intelligence. Maybe humans and machines have their own consciousness." Who can't tell lies with real eyes?


At this time, the gossip section of the God Realm app was very lively.

The reason is that Jidu Xingjun and God of War Xingtian uploaded the video of killing Tang Yan in the game.

There was still a competition to see who could kill Tang Yan more times. In the end, God of War Xingtian won by one kill of Jidu Xingjun.This simply provided new ideas for Taishang Laojun and Dr. Qiao, who had always been so angry with Tang Yan.

Taishang Laojun: Hahahaha, I finally know how to avenge my Yaoyuanzi. I recruit a king master online and the reward is three elixirs.

Dr. Qiao: I’m not recruiting any masters. I’m looking for thugs online. Whoever harvests 20 heads of Tang Yan in the game, I’ll do one thing for him within my ability.


There are a few more characters in Tang Yan's vengeful notebook.

She exited the forum and sent a private message to the black profile picture: Are you the God King?

Jun: Yeah.

Tang Yan: Why not hide it?
Jun: Because you have already guessed who I am, so there is no need to hide it.

Tang Yan: Are you the person behind Chou Chou?Did you help me resurrect?Why do you want to help me?

The other person was obviously unwilling to answer the question and directly changed the topic.

Jun: Your life-saving magic weapon will be delivered tonight. Please pay attention to sign for it.

Tang Yan: You haven’t answered my question yet. Are you feeling guilty?

Then, there was no reply from the other side.

Tang Yan squeezed the cell phone in her hand tightly. She can hide from the first day of the new year, but not from the fifteenth day. Let's see how long you can hide.

At this time, beside the lotus pond in the God King's Palace, the Rain God slowly shook his fan, with a pair of peach blossom eyes: "Lord God King, don't let it be too obvious when you let go of the water just now.

Ji Du and Xing Tian were just two idiots. They only knew how to kill Xiao Tangtang, but of course they couldn't understand it. Jiutian Xuannv was just a makeshift person and didn't understand the secrets involved.

And even if I know that you are cheating, I will keep it a secret because the other party is Xiaotangtang. It can be said that you have chosen this team very carefully. "

"Aren't you really in love with my little Tangtang?"

(End of this chapter)

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