Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 726: Night Sneak Attack

Chapter 726: Night Sneak Attack
It's really interesting that the God King touches the hearts of mortals.

The man said one word at a time: "Your little Tangtang?"

His tone was still his usual distant and indifferent tone, but there was an unspeakable danger.

The Rain God put away his fan and asked, "It's not from my family. Could it be that it's from yours?"

If the God King answered, he would have fallen into the rain god's trap, because neither yes nor no is accurate.

The God King did not answer this question, but brought up another topic: "Do you know what the life-saving magic weapon I gave her is?"

The Rain God felt confused: "What?"

"She's a man."


I don’t understand, I really don’t understand, what is the relationship between him and Xiaotangtang?

The Rain God made a bold guess: "Isn't Little Tangtang your illegitimate son living in the human world?"

"Haha~ Curiosity killed the cat." The God King mocked, stuffed the fish feed into the Rain God's arms, turned and left.

The Rain God poured all the fish feed into the lotus pond: "Wait, one day I will find out your relationship."


For the time being, there was no movement from Lan Guyue's side, and she didn't know where she was hiding. Going out to search would be too large, and there would be certain risks.

In addition, there was a demon watching next door, so Tang Yan and the others decided to stay put and attack later.

Affected by resentment, the sky turned completely dark before four o'clock.

After a simple dinner, the group went back to their rooms to rest.

After Tang Yan finished meditating and practicing, he went to the God Realm app to surf the waves for a while, and after a wave of hatred, he washed up and went to bed.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, she heard a rustling sound coming from the window, someone wanted to come in.

Chou Chou originally wanted to attack the man, but was stopped by Tang Yan and sat back down in his seat again.

The next second, the man opened the window, jumped in, walked step by step to Tang Yan's bed, held a huge nail in his hand, and drove it directly into Tang Yan's head.Tang Yan turned over, pinched the man's wrist with his backhand, and pressed a nail against the man's neck.

The nail is pressed into the flesh, and if you apply a little more force, you will inevitably see blood immediately.

"Wait a minute." The man said, his voice very familiar.

"Queen Duan Ying, when did you rebel?" Tang Yan recognized her as soon as she stepped into the room.

Duan Xianyue said angrily: "I betrayed your sister. If I really rebelled, I wouldn't have made such a big noise for you to notice."

Her rustling voice was indeed loud on purpose.

"Then what do you mean?" Tang Yan let go of Duan Xianyue.

There was no light in the room and it was still dark. Duan Xianyue sat by the bed, feeling a little depressed.

"Hey, Duan Xiuman threatened me with Xiaoxianrou and asked me to find a way to kill you. She also gave me this magic weapon." Duan Xianyue threw the nail in her hand to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan picked it up and looked at it. It was a soul-eating nail. If it was nailed by this nail, the spirit body would be immediately trapped by the nail.

Duan Xiuman not only wanted to kill her, but also wanted to suck her spirit body.

Tang Yan asked: "Then why didn't you do what she said?"

Duan Xianyue's mood was very irritable: "If the little fresh meat is gone, we can still look for it. But if you are gone, I seem a little reluctant to bear it."

Chou Chou: Suddenly I feel sympathy for your little fresh meat. I’m afraid he will cry on the spot when he knows the truth.

Tang Yan thought of Duan Xianyue's love hexagram, forget it, she wouldn't comment.

Tang Yan stopped asking this question: "Didn't I ask you to leave early? Why didn't you leave? Did something happen?"

  When the God King said that he gave Yan Yan a life-saving magic weapon, he meant that the male protagonist was given to her as a "magic weapon" to save her life in this mission. It did not mean that the male protagonist's body was the magic weapon.

  I'm afraid of causing ambiguity here, so I'll explain it.

(End of this chapter)

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