Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 727 This crazy woman

Chapter 727 This crazy woman
Duan Xianyue's mouth showed a touch of bitterness: "After I received your news, I originally planned to go down the mountain with two other trustworthy sisters. I didn't expect that they would betray me."

On the one hand, he lost his lover, and on the other hand, he was betrayed by his sister. It was a double blow, and his fragile mind might have collapsed long ago.

There is another thing that Duan Xianyue didn't expect: "I always feel that Master is like a different person. Although she used to be so strong and domineering, at least she will not attack innocent ordinary people."

That's why she was with Xiao Xianrou.

It was because she knew that even if the matter was exposed, Duan Xiuman would only punish her, and at least the little fresh meat would still be safe.

But now, she is really confused.

Tang Yan told her: "That's because the real Duan Xiuman has been corrupted by the devil, and she is no longer the master you know."

"What?" Duan Xianyue exclaimed, feeling very sad: "No wonder Master has so many abnormal behaviors."

Duan Xianyue thought of something again: "Ah, when I first came here, I overheard the junior sisters talking. They said that the sisters in the team were disappearing one after another. Was it the devil's doing?"

Tang Yan nodded: "Well, that is a demon that relies on devouring spiritual bodies to increase its strength, so she will try every means to keep those disciples of the Duan family by her side, because that is its mobile food depot.

Do you know why we didn't take action against that demon before?It's not that it's worried that it will use the disciples of the Duan family to threaten us.

Rather, that demon will definitely not take action and will order the disciples of the Duan family to rush forward and serve as cannon fodder.

At that time, it will turn into a battle between us and the Duan family disciples, creating murderous karma in vain, and we will gain more than we lose. "

Duan Xianyue could imagine that scene. With Tang Yan's character, she should have warned the Duan family, but they would not believe it. Instead, they would only hate her.

Duan Xianyue slapped herself twice to cheer herself up: "Forget it, let's not talk about these bad things. Duan Xiuman asked me to nail this soul-eating nail to your forehead. I can't do it. What should I do now?"

"Just follow the plan. Just escort me back to deliver the report."

Duan Xianyue hesitated: "But how can you fake this soul-eating nail? If this nail is driven into your forehead, you will be dead.

But if I hadn't nailed you on the forehead, Duan Xiuman would have noticed it with his strength. He would have probably been exposed before he even got close to her. "

Tang Yan handed the soul-eating nail to Duan Xianyue and pointed to his forehead: "Don't worry about this, just nail it boldly."

This is just a paper person, what are you afraid of?

Duan Xianyue's hand shook, and she almost lost her grip on the soul-hungry nail: "Are you serious?"

Tang Yan blinked: "It couldn't be more true."

Duan Xianyue raised the soul-eating nail, put it down, raised it again, and put it down again. After so many times, he sighed: "I, I can't put it down."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." Tang Yan said, taking the soul-eating nail from Duan Xianyue's hand, and nailed it to his forehead with a slap.

Duan Xianyue was so frightened that she almost screamed.

She covered her mouth tightly to prevent herself from screaming: "You, you, are you okay?"

Tang Yan's big eyes remained motionless, staring at Duan Xianyue. He looked very dull.

Duan Xianyue's mind went blank, and she cried: "You crazy woman, something is going to happen to you, what should I do?"

Tang Yan moved his body speechlessly: "What should we do? Don't forget your little fresh meat by Daming Lake."

(End of this chapter)

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