Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 729 Ice and Snow Illusion

Chapter 729 Ice and Snow Illusion
Therefore, Duan Xianyue has lost its use value.

Even if the little fresh meat is put in, it will not affect the overall situation.

"You also know that there is no signal in this barrier right now, and I can't contact the Duan family disciples outside, but don't worry, I gave an order not to take that man's life."

Duan Xianyue thought, Duan Xiuman definitely did not give this order, but Duan Xiuman did not expect that he would be unable to contact the outside world now.

It's actually a good thing that he can't be contacted. At least the Duan family disciple guarding Xiao Xianrou has no instructions and won't take action for the time being.

If this demon was dealt with in this barrier, she would not have time to give orders.

Duan Xianyue saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe it was just as Tang Yan said, and the little fresh meat would be fine.

"Okay." Duan Xianyue seemed to struggle for a while, then led Tang Yan towards Duan Xiuman.

He stopped one step away from Duan Xiuman.

"Ah hahaha, bitch, no matter how arrogant you are, you still fall into my hands." Duan Xiuman pulled Tang Yan over.

Duan Xianyue immediately retreated a distance.

At the same time, Tang Yan pulled out the soul-eating nail on his forehead and pierced Duan Xiuman's forehead.

In the flash of lightning, Duan Xiuman reacted. He tilted his head and only pricked one ear, which was dripping with blood.

Duan Xiuman stepped back one after another, pulled out the soul-eating nails from his ears, and still fell to the ground.

The Soul-Eating Nail becomes ineffective at the sight of blood.

Duan Xiuman looked at Tang Yan in disbelief: "Why? Why are you okay?"

"you guess."

Duan Xiuman looked at Duan Xianyue fiercely: "Xianyue, you actually lied to me? Do you know what order I gave to the guarding disciples?

I asked them to kill the man if they didn't hear from me within three days.

I know you are taking chances. Now, think about it for yourself, whether you want to go against me or not. You are a smart woman, and I believe you will make the most correct choice. "

Duan Xianyue sneered: "Haha, the most correct choice is of course to eliminate demons and protect the Tao. I'm still pretending. You are not my master at all. You are just a demon. Where do you have the nerve to order me to do things?" After being exposed, Duan Xiuman stopped pretending: "Very good, very good. I thought you were such an affectionate woman, but you turned out to be a heartless and unjust person."

Duan Xianyue rolled her eyes: You are a devil, but you still have the nerve to say this.

"Then you all go to hell." Duan Xiuman took out the cold iron fan and waved it.

A world of ice and snow appeared in front of Tang Yan and the others.

This ice and snow illusion was created by Han Iron Fan. If this illusion is broken, Han Iron Fan will naturally be broken.

However, the magic weapon of the exorcist clan is not that easy to deal with.

Duan Xianyue was about to walk towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan quickly stopped him: "Just stand where you are and don't move."

Even though they were stepping on a glacier, taking one step would lead to an abyss.

Duan Xianyue only moved her upper body, but luckily she didn't raise her feet: "What should we do now?"

Tang Yan had learned the magical weapon Han Iron Fan in the Tianshi system.

As long as you stay still where you entered the illusion, you'll be fine.

However, in fact, the ice and snow inside will constantly attack, forcing people to move.

And as soon as you move, you will immediately fall into the abyss, be attacked by ice and snow, buried, and suffocated.

Tang Yan, a paper man, was naturally not afraid of this illusion, but with the addition of Duan Xianyue, he was a little constrained.

As soon as Tang Yan finished speaking, the snowflakes flying in the sky instantly condensed into weapons.

Ice swords, ice forks, ice spears, ice halberds, ice hammers... all rushed towards them and attacked them.

(End of this chapter)

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