Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 730 Breaking the illusion

Chapter 730 Breaking the illusion
He couldn't really watch something happen to Duan Xianyue. Tang Yan immediately turned into a piece of paper, covering Duan Xianyue from head to toe.

Resist the attacks of those ice-like weapons.

Duan Xianyue was stunned when she saw this sudden change.

"Tang, Tang scumbag, you, have you become a spirit through cultivation, or are you still a paper spirit?"

The piece of paper complained: "Second goods."


Before Duan Xiuman could react to the situation in the ice and snow fantasy, another person rushed into the room from an unexpected place.

He took the magic weapon and hit her directly on the back.

Duan Xiuman vomited blood and was seriously injured. The cold iron fan in her hand fell to the floor.

The illusion was interrupted, and the cold iron fan split into two halves.

Duan Xianyue came out of the illusion, and the paper on her body quickly shrank and flew into Tang Yan's hand.

No matter how stupid Duan Xiuman is, he still understands what just happened. No wonder she was fine even if the soul-eating nail nailed the woman. It was just a piece of paper.

"What a substitute." Duan Xiuman broke through the window and escaped.

Duan Xianyue trotted up to Tang Yan and pulled her to look at her again and again: "Your substitute technique is so real. You should be your true self now, right?"

"you guess."

"Guess, take a guess, chase that demon quickly, and kill it while she's injured."

Chou Chou lay on Tang Yan's shoulder: "Girls, don't be so violent."

"It got violent. That demon threatened me with my little girl. My little girl is gone and I want her to be buried with her."

Speaking of which, Duan Xianyue was a little sad.

One day of the three-day period has passed.

With two days left, it should be impossible for them to resolve the grievances in the entire Princess County.

It's so annoying that the little fresh meat is in danger.

Duan Xianyue ran to the door: "Where do you think that demon will escape?" Tang Yan walked outside: "She was hit by my demon-breaking bow. Now she is seriously injured. It should recover its strength as soon as possible."

Duan Xianyue's face changed: "You mean, she is going to suck the spirits of the Duan family disciples, and my fellow disciples are in danger? Come on, I will take you to find them."


Because the disciples of the Duan family always disappear inexplicably.

So to avoid accidents.

These disciples decided to live in the same large room.

This way we can take care of each other.

They had fallen asleep when Duan Xiuman suddenly kicked open the door and walked in.

Duan Hong turned on the light and looked at Duan Xiuman, who had scarlet eyes, a ferocious expression, and a pale face.

She trembled and asked very frightenedly: "Master, Master, has something happened?"

Duan Xianyue, who followed closely, shouted: "Junior sister, it's dangerous."

After finishing her words, before Duan Hong could react, Duan Xiuman reached out and grabbed her heart, pulled out the spirit body, stuffed it into her mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Duan Hong's eyes were wide open, and she fell to the floor before she knew what happened.

"Ah..." There were bursts of screams in the room, and the female disciples shrank into the corner in fear.

It turns out that the culprit who caused the sisters to disappear was actually their most trusted master?
Duan Xianyue rushed over to block the group of female disciples.

At the same time, Tang Yan restrained Duan Xiuman: "Ugly eyes, now that you have been exposed, it's easy to talk about it."

One person and one demon started fighting.

Of course, it was Tang Yan's unilateral beating. Seeing that something was wrong, the giant red eyes immediately abandoned Duan Xiuman's body and escaped.

Tang Yan also chased after him.

The disciples of the Duan family trembled and pulled Duan Xianyue: "Senior Sister Xianyue, what on earth is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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