Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 731 The Devil of the North

Chapter 731 The Devil of the North
Duan Xianyue looked back at the woman who pulled her. She was the sister who had betrayed her to Duan Xiuman.

She sneered, pushed the woman's hand away, and explained the matter simply.

"As you can see, Master is no longer Master a long time ago, and her body has been occupied by demons.

Tang Yan has warned you a long time ago, but none of you are willing to believe her. Instead, you still regard her as an enemy.

I'm standing in front of you this time. It's the last thing I do for you for the sake of my fellow disciples and sisters. You can take care of yourself in the future. "

There were more than 200 disciples in the Duan family, but only about 20 were left at this time.

If they had listened to Tang Yan earlier, would things have turned out like this?
Most of them started crying directly: "Senior Sister Xianyue, what should we do in the future? Do you really not care about us?"

Duan Xianyue didn't have many emotional fluctuations. The moment she was betrayed, her feelings for the Duan family had completely disappeared.

"You are all such grown-ups, who else is going to take care of who? The Duan family is gone, Shangqing Temple is destroyed, Crossing Evil Mountain is also destroyed, let's all disperse, go back to the secular world, and live a good life In your own life, the past glories are all fleeting, forget them."

After saying that, Duan Xianyue walked out without looking back.

The Duan family, which was once famous in Xuanmen, fell into ruin.

The disciples of the Duan family who were once arrogant in Xuanmen could no longer be proud of their status.

Now and then, things are unpredictable.

On the other side, Tang Yan directly chased the red eye into the yard.

"Brush brush..."

She shot several magic-breaking arrows to block the path of the giant red eye.

The giant red eye stopped in the air, turned around, and blood flowed from its eyes.

"Tang Yan, I will use my life to tear open the space and connect to the master. When my master comes, you will die."

Blood kept pouring out of its eyes, and at the same time, a small black vortex appeared in the sky next to it.The vortex tends to get bigger and bigger.

Tang Yan took the opportunity to throw out a talisman, wrap it around the giant eye, pull it down, and pull it into the glass bottle in his hand.

Then he wrapped the glass bottle with talisman paper and put it in his bag.

Immediately afterwards, she took out the Demon-Breaking Bow again and shot three arrows at the whirlpool.

The giant eye failed to sacrifice its life, and the connecting channel could not be formed.

The vortex continued to shrink, and finally formed a point. At this time, a voice came out from the small point: "Tang Yan, you killed my pet. I will take note of this revenge."

Tang Yan looked at the little dot and said in an arrogant tone: "Just remember it. If you have the guts, report your name."

"I am the Demon King of the North."

After saying that, the small dot disappeared in the sky, and the night returned to tranquility again.

Duan Xianyue then walked up to Tang Yan: "I find that the enemies you provoke seem to be more powerful than the last. Devil of the North, our entire Duan family combined can't compare to a slap from this person. What are you going to do next?"

She was really worried about Tang Yan.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes: "Is the Demon King of the North very strong? If you dare to mess with me, I will demolish her demon palace."

"..." He's not afraid of flashing his tongue when he talks big.

Tang Yan patted the dust on his body: "Okay, it's still early, let's go back to the room and sleep."

After such a big thing happened, you can still sleep because you have a big heart.

Duan Xianyue followed Tang Yan: "I don't want to go back to the courtyard where the Duan family lives. I'm afraid of being betrayed. Can you find a room for me in your courtyard over there?"

(End of this chapter)

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