Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 735 Breaking into Shura City

Chapter 735 Breaking into Shura City
Lu Jingyi's attitude was very firm: "No, I wanted to go over and help when you were making trouble in the yard next door, but Jiang Rufei said that the demon was no match for you, so I didn't go.

Now, that Shura city must be very dangerous. I can't let you, a little girl, go to such a dangerous place. I have to follow you to rest assured. "

Jiang Rufei complained in his heart: What a little girl, this little girl is worth hundreds of strong men.What could you, an ordinary person, do in the past?Thousands of miles to give away one's head!

But the prince was stubborn and a girl-controller. Jiang Rufei knew that his persuasion was useless, so he didn't bother to stop him.

Tang Yan put a hand on Lu Jingyi's shoulder and was very moved, with starry eyes: "Brother Lu, you are so kind to me."

Ah, my sister called him brother, so happy.

Lu Jingyi felt a little distracted, so he was unprepared.

Tang Yan took this opportunity, changed the movement of his hand, and knocked Lu Jingyi unconscious.

Grabbing his collar, he threw it towards Jiang Rufei: "Take good care of your prince, don't let him cause trouble. If he wakes up, knock him out again."

Jiang Rufei supported Lu Jingyi with one hand: "Master, simple and rough, I like it."

Tang Yan looked at Yun Xie at the entrance of the courtyard and nodded.

Yun Xie understood what she meant and turned around to leave. Tang Yan and Miao Yuan followed.

Only the three of them went to break into the Shura city.

When they came to Shura City, the city gate was open, as if they were being invited in very arrogantly.

The beads in Miao Yuan's hand grew longer and wrapped around her hand: "It seems that Lan Guyue is provoking us, pretty sister, should we go in directly? There should be a trap inside."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Xie walked in directly.

Miao Yuan also had to follow: "Beautiful sister, look, the three of us have such unique personalities. Do you think we can really cooperate against the enemy?"

Thank God there will be no internal strife by then.

Tang Yan looked at Yun Xie's back: "Ah, who would have expected it? If we stay together for a long time, we will break up, and if we stay apart for a long time, we will unite. If Young Master Yun cuts me with a knife later, maybe I won't be surprised."

Yun Xie's figure was stunned for a moment, but he cleverly covered it up.

At this moment, the city gate behind them closed heavily, and the entire city changed again.The original city walls were dismantled and reorganized into a circular arena.

Lan Guyue was floating in the center, with a dense crowd of Shura warriors behind her.

The appearance characteristics of Shura men are weird, with three heads, five hands, six feet...

Everyone's body bursts with majestic power.

Of course, these warriors are not entities, but are also manifestations of the power of the Shura world.

Lan Guyue's eyes were filled with a layer of black mist, and she pointed downward: "Kill them."

All she has in mind now is destruction, the destruction of all living creatures.




The arena was filled with the sounds of killing.

When Tang Yan and the others dealt with these Shura warriors.

On the other side, Jiang Rufei and the others were not relaxed either.

There is constant resentment attacking them.

Fortunately, the power of those resentments is not too strong, and they can still cope with it.

Tang Yan held the Demon-Breaking Bow and pounced on a Shura warrior. She struck one, struck another, and struck another.

There is no skill, after all, she is holding a divine weapon, and the pure manifestation of power is not her opponent.

Miao Yuan and Yun Xie each held magical weapons, so it was not difficult to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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