Chapter 736 Yun Xie rebels
Lan Guyue's expression became increasingly ugly. When did the human race become so powerful?
The power of the Shura world has been defeated one by one, and it is not an option to continue like this.

Lan Guyue waved her hand, and the remaining Shura warriors stopped moving and turned into wisps of black smoke, flying directly into her body.

At the same time, the arena surrounding Tang Yan and the others also turned into black smoke, turning into the power of Lan Guyue.

Tang Yan quickly fired a magic-breaking arrow with quick eyes and hands.

Lan Guyue opened her eyes wide, raised her hand and grabbed the magic-breaking arrow in her hand.

There was a crackling sound on her hand.

In the end, the demon-breaking arrow turned into a burst of black energy, and Lan Guyue only suffered minor injuries.

Miao Yuan clicked her tongue twice: "This is serious, pretty sister, it seems we are afraid that we will have to explain it here."

After saying that, Miao Yuan yelled at Lan Guyue again: "Lan Guyue, there is a wrongdoer and a debtor. I was the one who killed you. I will return your life to you now. You let the little sister next to me go." ,How about it?"

"Hahaha..." Lan Guyue laughed sharply: "Monk, you are wrong, it was not you who killed me, it was human greed that killed me.

Humans are really ugly creatures, so it would be great if there were no such creatures as humans in this world. "

What she wants is not to pay with blood, but to destroy the world.

Yun Xie took advantage of Lan Guyue's relaxation and stabbed her from behind with his sword.

Lan Guyue disappeared from where she was in an instant and appeared behind Tang Yan and the others: "Monk, do you think you can sneak attack me by diverting my attention by talking? You are overestimating your capabilities."

She waved it over with one palm.

Tang Yan and Miao Yuan ducked to the side very quickly.

A huge hole was smashed into the ground.

The three of them worked together to deal with Lan Guyue, their bodies were all stained, and their physical strength gradually became exhausted.

While attacking Lan Guyue, suddenly, the sword in Yun Xie's hand turned in a direction and stabbed Tang Yan.Just when he was about to stab Tang Yan in the heart, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side and grabbed Tang Yan's hand.

Yun Xie stabbed the air, and Tang Yan was held in Jun Liyan's arms.

Miao Yuan was stunned and was slapped by Lan Guyue.

"It's really interesting." Lan Guyue floated into the air and stopped taking action.

Let’s first look at their fighting in the nest. Human beings are indeed ugly creatures.

Miao Yuan vomited a mouthful of blood and got up: "Yun Xie, what do you mean?"

The man holding the beautiful sister must be her man. Fortunately, he appeared in time, but he didn't even have the mind to pay attention to that man now.

It’s really a headache. Before Lan Guyue can deal with it, there is another traitor on their side.

But thinking about it, it seems normal. Yun Xie is not a good guy in the first place.

Yun Xie put away his sword and smiled mockingly: "Ah, what a pity, it didn't succeed."

Tang Yan came out of Jun Liyan's arms: "So, you had no intention of joining forces from the beginning. You were just looking for an opportunity to take my life."

Not in a questioning tone, but in an affirmative tone.

"Yes, the Meditation Bell and the Colorful Exquisite Heart are indispensable. If the Meditation Bell is gone, it would be meaningless even if I get the Colorful Exquisite Heart."

Yun Xie stared at Tang Yan closely, with only coldness in his eyes, without any emotion, neither hatred nor resentment.

He said calmly: "Tang Yan, I know that the reason why the monk destroyed the Jingxin Bell was all because of you. If you hadn't been there to help, things wouldn't have developed to that point. I never thought about it with you. As an enemy, you forced me to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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