Chapter 738
Emotions such as sadness and guilt are contagious.

A Duan family disciple burst into tears, and then one Duan family disciple after another started to cry.

The women of the Duan family were crying so hard here.

Yu Tong in the far corner was so happy that she hummed a song.

"Haha, bitch, you bullied me before and made you have unreasonable thoughts about my brother Yun. Now you must be punished. God is really wise."

"Pah..." The little follower next to her gave her a backhand slap.

Yu Tong was stunned, covered her face, and screamed: "Yun Xiao, are you crazy?"

The little follower's eyes were red: "That's enough for you. My idol is so good, why do you scold her? She got retribution. I think only a bad woman like you should get retribution."

Yu Tong couldn't understand why Yun Xiao would defend an outsider like this: "Do you know what you are doing now? How dare you hit me, Brother Yun will not let you go."

"You think you are a big deal because you are the daughter of the great elder. Damn you. If you call me an idol once, I will beat you once."

When the little follower saw Yun Xie approaching, he glared at Yu Tong fiercely, then turned and walked towards Yun Xie.

Yu Tong bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly.

Stinky Yunxiao, damn Yunxiao, I will remember your revenge for slapping me. Just wait for me, I will definitely make you regret it.


Lu Jinyi woke up just before Tang Yan and the others exploded.

He was shocked by that scene.

Jiang Rufei felt uncomfortable, so he opened his mouth and said, "Prince, please express my condolences."

"Oh." The next second, Lu Jinyi patted the dust on his body and acted like a normal person.

"Lan Guyue has been eliminated, but there are still many weak grievances in Princess County. If these grievances are not eliminated, they will have a very bad impact on mankind. We must do a good job in dealing with the aftermath."

Why have you started arranging work now?

No, Prince, your reaction is wrong.Could it be that your previous performance as a girl control was just an act?

Lu Jinyi tilted his head: "Do you think I'm cold-blooded?"

Jiang Rufei answered whatever he thought in his heart: "Ah, not only are you cold-blooded, you are just talking the talk and doing the same thing behind your back. You are not a toy."

"Haha." Lu Jinyi glanced at Jiang Rufei meaningfully: "Jiang Rufei, with your IQ, I don't think I will agree that cousin Jingjing being with you will affect the genes of future generations."

Damn it, it's not enough for your girl to control Tang Yan, but you also want to harm my family Jingjing?

How could my handsomeness affect my genes?
If you don't agree, I will take it hard when the time comes.

Jiang Rufei rolled his eyes: "You mean, Tang Yan and the others are okay?"

"Yes." Lu Jinyi confirmed: "Although I don't know what method Yan Yan used, I have an intuition that she is safe and sound now, and she may even be having fun somewhere.

We don't need to worry about her. We can do the aftermath here and then go back to the capital to wait for her. She will come back when she has had enough fun. "

Jiang Rufei looked at Lu Jinyi with an indescribable look: "Is this your sixth sense too, Prince?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"I don't think you have a sixth sense. It's like you have mastered the script. Prince, do you really have no other identity?"

"Indeed there is."

Jiang Rufei's curiosity was piqued: "Then who are you?"

"I do have another identity now, and that is Yan Yan's brother."

"???!!!" Forget it, I don't want to talk to the sister.


(End of this chapter)

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