Chapter 739 Dangerous
Ouyang Hanshuang and the calico cat stood on a small mountain peak not far away, watching Tang Yan explode and disappear.

The calico cat stood on Ouyang Hanshuang's head and scratched her hair with its fleshy paws: "Master, master, is that pretty lady finished playing like this? Meow meow, I can't believe it."

Ouyang Hanshuang tucked the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears and smiled, her eyes filled with indifference: "I don't believe it either. They say the disaster will last for thousands of years. How could she die so easily?"

"Master, what do you think is going on? Is it a cover-up?"

"It shouldn't be a cover-up. There is indeed no trace of Tang Yan in Princess County, and Lan Guyue has also been eliminated, so everything that happened in front of us should be true."

The calico cat thought of a possibility: "Could it be that at the moment of the explosion, the beautiful lady tore apart the space and went to another place?"

Ouyang Hanshuang felt that this possibility was very small: "If she really has the ability to tear apart space, she should be able to deal with Lan Guyue easily, and there is no need for such trouble."

"Then, what happened?"

"I also want to know what's going on." Ouyang Hanshuang looked at the place where Tang Yan disappeared: "Did you notice that there was a small black spot behind Lan Guyue just now?"

The calico cat climbed onto Ouyang Hanshuang's shoulder: "How could I possibly notice such small details?"

Ouyang Hanshuang said to himself: "That point is the passage to the Shura Realm, so the explosion caused by Tang Yan just now not only wiped out Lan Guyue, but also blew up the passage."

The calico cat said solemnly: "Then this is troublesome. Not only did the beautiful lady kill the saint's little daughter, she also blew up the passage. She is afraid that she will be hunted down by the entire Shura world in the future."

"Master, who will you help then?"

Ouyang Hanshuang turned and walked towards the border of Princess County: "You ask me? What does all this have to do with me? I just want to hunt down the dog man."

Her position is that she has no position.

In other words, you can help anyone, it depends on your mood when the time comes.

Calico cat: "!!!" What is love in the world?What a waste.Even the cynical master fell into this, what a sin!
... Yun Xie sent his minion and Yu Tong away and acted alone.

Before he left Princess County, he received a video call and clicked on it. The person who appeared on the screen was Han Shan.

Han Shan raised his eyebrows slightly: "You took action against her? Actually, you don't have to take this step, right?"

She knew that this was referring to Tang Yan.

Yun Xie's voice was cold, and he replied after a few seconds: "The Jingxin Bell is destroyed. You know, this is the only way we can go. Even if I don't take action against Tang Yan, several others will take action against her."

Things developed in the direction he least wanted to see, and Han Shan couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, Yan'er will be sad when she finds out, she will hate me, no, she will hate us.

Also, if she knew that we had hurt Tang Yan, she would definitely draw a knife on us. "

"So what? As long as she can come back, anyone and anything can be sacrificed, including me and you."

Although the two have the same face, their personalities are completely different, one is elegant and the other is ruthless.

"You are too benevolent as a woman to let things progress so slowly. It has already been ten thousand years. Do you still want Yan'er to wait another ten thousand years?"

After Yun Xie finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


(End of this chapter)

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