Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 10 10 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 10 10. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Shan Zi whispered, Shan Shu was her sister, with outstanding beauty and superb dancing skills. In the Eastern Qing Dynasty, people often heard people talking about Princess Qingluan, saying that she was versatile and could dazzle the world with her neon phoenix dance. At that time, she Secretly dissatisfied, he felt that he was not inferior in any way, and vowed to distinguish himself from her.Shan Zi's heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking something was wrong, but as expected, Shan Shu's smile spread wildly.

Shan Shu: "I heard that Princess Qingluan of the Southern Jin Dynasty was good at playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, embroidery and dancing. Shan Shu asked herself that she was not as versatile as Princess Qingluan, but she had some attainments in dancing, so she asked the princess to teach her."
Shan Zi: "I can't complain that I disappeared so early in the morning. It's really inappropriate to act like this."
Shan Shu was his biological sister, and he usually loved her. Now he couldn't help but worry about her, shook his head and sighed.

Everyone in the Yixi Palace cast their eyes on Gong Furuo. She was enjoying the pastry, but now everyone was looking at her. She looked back timidly at Shan Shu, who seemed a little nervous. She took a bite of the pastry in a panic. Gulu swallowed it, pitiful and cute, and disturbed the hearts of many people.Even though it was a single girl, both of them had smiles in their eyes.

Gong Fuluo: "Princess Shan Shu does not need to belittle oneself. Ruo'er was in a deep boudoir in the Southern Jin Dynasty and had heard of the princess's reputation. The princess came from a long distance after a long journey with horses and carriages. The Jin State should have treated the princess to a good rest, but now she is so tired that she is so tired." When everyone sees the beauty, it is better not to keep working hard on the princess. If you want to take the princess as a role model."
When Gong Furuo said these words, the originally tense atmosphere in the main hall became much calmer. She explained Shan Shu's challenge to her as an ordinary dance performance. She neither rejected Princess Shan Shu's invitation to challenge, nor did she interpret it as an ordinary dance performance. This was defined as a provocation, and everyone nodded secretly.

Shan Zi: "Shu'er is too reckless. It's really thanks to Princess Qingluan's broad-mindedness this time."
Shan Zi's words contained appreciation. Even though he lingered among flowers and met countless people, he had never seen such an elegant and outstanding woman, and ripples appeared in his heart.Although Chu Si was a straightforward man, no one could be stupid if he could become the prince, otherwise he would have been chewed to pieces by his brothers.He looked at the delicate princess and understood that these words were precise and clear. He felt that her heart was extremely tough.

Qi Helian: "Princess Qingluan doesn't like to care about her, and I'd like you to educate your sister well. Don't let others try to make up for her."
As soon as these words came out, even Qi He was stunned. He had been inexpressible about happiness and anger since he was a child, but for some reason, when he saw such a scene, he always felt that she should not suffer such an unreasonable disaster. As soon as the words came out, it seemed Nothing to regret.

Shan Zi: "Brother Qi has taught me that this time it is my sister who is incompetent. I will definitely teach her well."
Shan Zi's words were calm, but there was an uproar in his heart. Qi Helian was cold-hearted and not a nosy person. Could it be that he...

While they were arguing, Gong Furuo had quietly gone down and changed into her dance clothes. The dance clothes were gorgeous, and her appearance was as slim as the Goddess of Luo in the world.As the musicians play, they raise their legs, lower their waists, spin, their sleeves fly, their dresses flutter, they open their eyes and smile, which touches people's hearts.Gong Furuo is famous for his neon phoenix dance, but he also understands that if he doesn't make new attempts, he can't make people convinced of defeat. Otherwise, how can he win over this Shan Shu who wants to live if he loves her and wants to die if he hates her? Where is the princess?She stepped lightly with her toes, and suddenly her water sleeves fluttered open, and the sleeves danced, throwing out pink silk and satin, flying in the air, as if countless peach blossom petals were fluttering down in the sky, swaying, petal by petal, Holding strands of agarwood.

(End of this chapter)

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