Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 11 11 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 11 11. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

After the dance, Gong Furuo was out of breath and her face was red. She had always been weak and her makeup was mainly light. Now the bright red hanging at the end of her eyes had a different flavor. After bidding her farewell, she hurriedly left. I went to change my clothes, but left a group of young talents lingering in their dreams.

After a long time, Gong Furuo walked back into the hall, feeling slightly blessed, and even a simple movement was done with tenderness.

Shan Shu: "Princess Qingluan, your reputation is well-deserved. Today, Shan Shu loses to you, and I am convinced even if you take it orally."
Gong Furuo smiled without saying a word. The blush from the dance a moment ago faded from his cheeks, revealing the paleness of a sickly body. He was born with a delicate charm.

Gong Furuo: "Princess Shan Shu is ridiculous. The princess comes from afar and dances when she is tired. It is already a good show. What's more, you and I both have our own merits. How can we say winner or loser?"
Gong Furuo is not that mediocre person who only cares about winning or losing. She is used to showing weakness, playing the role of pure kindness and magnanimity, and retreating in order to advance.Nowadays, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is the better one, so what can he do if he gives her the upper hand verbally?Just a few simple words can win people's hearts and win praise. Isn't it wonderful?

Shan Shu: "Princess Qingluan is too modest, which makes Shan Shu feel ashamed and admirable. May I ask the princess if this dance has a name?"
As if he was talking about something he was interested in, Gong Furuo's eyes lit up.

Gong Furuo: "This dance is called Peach Blossom. Last spring, when my brother and I were admiring the flowers, we saw the peach blossoms falling one after another. They were very beautiful. I felt inspired by them, and after studying for a long time, I came up with such a peach song. tender."
Shan Shu: "I see, the princess is very understanding and spiritual."
Gong Furuo pursed her lips, her white and slender little hands grasped the edge of her dress without leaving any trace, and she spoke slowly.

Gong Furuo: "Actually, I'm not as good as you said. I fell down several times when I was training Taoyao. The emperor felt sorry for me and even complained to my father, the emperor and the empress. For many days, I was banned by decree. Dancing."
Princess Qingluan has a noble status, and she is as beautiful as delicate flowers and nephrite, which inevitably makes people feel distant. Seeing her act like a little daughter at this moment, everyone just found it funny, and they were more tolerant of her. .

People who are extremely talented and can easily win over others are impressive, but they are far inferior to those who are talented, but have strict requirements on themselves and work hard.The former makes people jealous, the latter only makes people admire.

Sure enough, as soon as Gong Furuo said this, Shan Shu's eyes changed when she looked at her, becoming more sincere and sincere.

The Qing Emperor was originally worried that his beloved daughter would get into trouble, but he never thought that the Jin Emperor's woman was small but had a broad mind.Now that he saw that everything was calm in the hall, he hurriedly raised his glass to express his gratitude.

Emperor Qing: "Brother Gong, you have really raised a good daughter. To get such a beautiful girl, you must drink this cup to the full."
The Qing Emperor's words were not entirely meant to stir up the atmosphere. He sighed silently in his heart. He was also a daughter, but how come he was so well-behaved and sensible, while he was just like a demon king.

Emperor Jin: "Hey, Brother Shan, that's wrong. I see that your love is calm, cheerful, and talented. I also envy you for having a daughter like this."
As for the words of Emperor Jin, they are false.In his heart, he felt that this single girl was too noisy, and he was secretly proud of his daughter's well-behaved nature.

After a while of joy, people dispersed in the drunkenness.Regardless of how everyone felt about this dinner party, Gong Furuo was in a good mood, silently calculating in his heart, thinking that he had gained a lot, and that passionate love and sincere friendship were all within his reach.

(End of this chapter)

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