Chapter 138
Why did they come together?


Liu Ying held a tray with two bowls of beef noodles and searched for Gong Furuo. When he saw her happily raising her hands and calling him, he smiled and walked over.

Gong Furuo: "Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work."
Gong Furuo: "Thank you, Liu Ying."
Maybe he was timid because of love. Liu Ying himself was obviously such an outstanding person, but when faced with the equally radiant Gong Furuo, he, who was already reserved and tolerant, just watched her silently day after day.

It wasn't until Gong Furuo was bullied by the dandy from the Sun family that he couldn't hold back and walked up to her step by step.

Liu Ying: "I never dreamed that such a day would come. If I had known, I should have done it earlier."
He murmured in a low voice, not loud enough, but loud enough for Gong Furuo to hear clearly. Her little snow-white face, which had been drinking soup from a bowl larger than her face, suddenly lifted up.

I happened to look into his dark eyes filled with smiles and emotions. The love in them was clearly revealed, and the deep emotions almost drowned me.

Gong Furuo: "You..."
Gong Furuo: "I..."
Gong Furuo: "How did you..."
She clenched the spoon tightly in her slender hands, unable to speak clearly in extreme shock.

Liu Ying liked her for a whole year, loved her for a year, and survived the long and hopeless years of secret love. Logically speaking, he shouldn't rush for this moment, but looking at Gong Furuo's pursed lips and smiling, listening to her Her soft voice, smelling the faint jasmine tea on her body, the more I get to know her, the closer I get to her, the more I can't help myself.

Liu Ying: "I have something to tell you after dinner."
Gong Furuo nodded slowly, looking at Liu Ying's sharp and cold facial lines, she seemed to be able to guess what was going on.

Seeing her staring blankly at him, lifting the spoon halfway and forgetting to put it into her mouth, Liu Ying smiled helplessly, neutralizing his arrogance and indifference. At this time, he was just an ordinary young man who had just begun to fall in love.

Liu Ying: "Eat quickly, the noodles are going to be lumpy and won't taste good anymore."
As he spoke, he naturally put the beef slices in his bowl into hers.Gong Furuo hurriedly protected his bowl.

Gong Furuo: "I've had enough."
Liu Ying saw her hurried action to protect the bowl, and his smile spread from the corners of his mouth to the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

Liu Ying: "I don't like meat. Can you help me eat some? Don't waste food."
Gong Furuo looked at him steadily, his clear eyes making him slightly unnatural.

Gong Furuo: "I can't finish my noodles. Can you help me eat some?"
Gong Furuo only took a sip of the soup from this bowl of noodles, and the spoon was still in the air, so it was considered untouched.

Liu Ying felt sweet in his heart when he saw that she returned her true words.He paid attention to everything about her and knew that she was a veritable bird's stomach, so he did not refuse. He compared her appetite and took two chopsticks of noodles from her bowl.

Originally, Gong Furuo felt a little uncomfortable after he said what was almost a confession. After such an interruption, the atmosphere became better. While they were eating, they whispered about some interesting things in school.

Gong Furuo: "I'm so full today."
Gong Furuo ate slowly, while Liu Ying ate in an elegant and slow manner, but still faster than him. Under his gaze with a smile on his head, Gong Furuo wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and picked up the tray.

Liu Ying: "Okay, just wait for me."
Liu Yingpai snatched the metal tray from her hand. Gong Furuo didn't even react, and his hand was empty.

Looking at his back, she smiled.

Gong Furuo: "It's so cute."
(End of this chapter)

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