Chapter 139
It's still meal time at this time, but the cafeteria is no longer as crowded as it was just now.

Liu Ying was wearing a white shirt, with a tall and straight figure, broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a face as sharp as an axe. His indifferent temperament made him the focus of the crowd.In the crowded cafeteria, it seemed like a source of light.

Lin Chuchu hid in the crowd and stared at him blankly, her eyes obsessed. After seeing the beautiful girl behind her, she secretly pursed her lips.

The hand holding the strap of her schoolbag turned white. She gritted her teeth, assumed an innocent posture again, lowered her head and rushed over in the direction of Liu Ying.


A loud sound sounded in the crowded cafeteria.

Liu Ying glanced at the girl who bumped into him with a livid face.

The pure white high-end shirt was stained with oil, and the tray in his hand was knocked to the ground.

Lin Chuchu: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."
Lin Chuchu: "I'm really sorry."
The girl's crying voice sounded in his ears, and he glanced at her impatiently, his eyes cold.

The girl, who was hanging her head in panic, slowly raised her head, revealing a delicate face that was full of tears.

She is not very beautiful, just delicate, but her facial features are small, her face is very recognizable, and she has a pitiful temperament all over her body.

Liu Ying pursed his lips tightly, the corners of his mouth curved in displeasure.Seeing her raising her head, she took a quick look in annoyance, then took out her mobile phone and made a call, asking the person on the other end in a cold tone to send him a new set of clothes.

Lin Chuchu looked at him anxiously, and when she saw him hanging up the phone with a bad look on her face, she called him in surprise.

Lin Chuchu: "Senior Liu Ying, is that you?"
Lin Chuchu: "I'm really sorry, because there was something urgent, and I didn't look at the road just now."
Liu Ying wasn't surprised when she called out his name. After all, he was well-known in the school.

Seeing that his eyes were indifferent, and the look he was looking at her was not only displeased as expected, but also unfamiliar. Lin Chuchu panicked and tried to calm down.

Lin Chuchu: "Senior, do you remember me? I was bullied last time, thanks to you."
Liu Ying frowned, seeing that she meant that he had met her before, and looked at her again. The eyes that were wet from crying happened to meet his, and his memory slowly came back. Yes, there is such a thing.

It was just after school started. He was the president of the student union, and he went to check on the freshman military training as a routine. He happened to see a girl in the corner being surrounded by several people and being insulted, and there was a vague intention of taking action. .

After all, it was his duty, so forget it if he couldn't see it. If he saw it, it wouldn't be justified no matter what, so he warned those girls on her behalf.

Lin Chuchu: "Senior, do you still remember me?"
Lin Chuchu: "I am Lin Chuchu."
Liu Ying nodded casually.

He was indeed deeply impressed by her. At that time, he really couldn't understand how there could be such a cowardly girl, who was already a college student, and still cried like an ignorant child.

He was introverted and could hide any emotion very well, so even if he didn't like her, he just nodded. Even though he was covered in oil, he still had an unattainable elegance.

Lin Chuchu: "Senior, let me wash these clothes for you."
He frowned and looked at her. He really couldn't understand what she was thinking. He only had this piece of clothing on him. He took it off to wash it for her. What should he wear?
(End of this chapter)

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