Chapter 146 Chapter 27
"If I can meet a man like Liu Ying, I will definitely seize the opportunity and use all my strength to tie him up."

Lin Chuchu fell in love with the strategizing and handsome Liu Ying in the book. After leaving such an ambitious sentence under the book review, she fell asleep contentedly.

When she woke up, she was already bound to the Body Seizing System. When she learned that she could become more and more beautiful with the help of the system, and that she could also conquer Liuying, not only was she not afraid, but she was extremely excited and satisfied. She really thought that she was better than Gong Furuo, that cold and incomprehensible woman.

Lin Chuchu: "Didn't they never establish any relationship in the original plot?"
Lin Chuchu asked sharply and frantically in her mind, but the only answer she received was a cold mechanical sound.

Toolman: "Please explore it on your own, please take it seriously, and be careful of the risk of your soul being wiped out."
Lin Chuchu lowered her head dejectedly. I wonder if it was because of the invasion of an outsider like her that she felt that the world had become very different from the plot in the original book.The character of the heroine Gong Furuo has changed, and her relationship with the hero has also changed. It has directly developed into a complete love. Such changes make her very powerless.

Lin Chuchu: "Gong Furuo, I knew you would be my biggest stumbling block."
But in an instant, she cheered up again and cursed Gong Fuluo fiercely in her heart.

Being able to be bound by such a system that relies on taking away the fate of the protagonist, Lin Chuchu, who has evil intentions, naturally has her own strengths. She is extremely tough, tolerant, scheming, acting, and has the upper hand. Knowing the plot, it’s no wonder that Gong Furuo, who was feared by her in the original plot, died in her hands in the end.


Liu Ying entered Liu's house with a cheerful expression on his face, and he couldn't hide the joyful aura on his body.

At this time, Liu Sheyu was working as a desperate thirteenth man in the company. After all, he was the young master of this villa, and he was not afraid that Liu Sheyu would find out about his complacency, so he rarely walked into the hall with a smile on his face.

Hearing the sound coming from the door, Liu She and Xin Nian moved and turned around to look, just in time to meet his son's smiling face, and ran straight into his smiling and sweet eyes.

It was so sudden that Liu Ying was startled.It was still too early for him to resist Liu Sheyu openly. He reacted quickly and tried to calm down.Liu Ying: "Dad, you came back really early today."
Liu Sheyu remained silent and did not respond to him. He turned his metal lighter in his hand. In the faint dancing light of the fire, his face became more and more beautiful. It is no wonder that a group of famous ladies and beauties came one after another to capture him and treat him as Liu Ying. "Mother".

Liu Ying intuitively felt that Liu She was in danger today. His aura was leaking out and his face was gloomy.

Liu Sheyu: "Why are you so happy today? Your relationship must be going very smoothly."
Liu Sheyu said: "Yes, they are all young people, talented men and beautiful women. It is normal to have some development."
Liu Ying frowned, wondering what he meant and why he spoke so incomprehensibly and in a strange way.I just thought that he still had problems with Gong Furuo, and he was too good to be with her.

He lowered his head, hiding the dark dissatisfaction in his eyes, and spoke calmly.

Liu Ying: "Dad, don't worry, I will remember everything you said."
Liu She was really surprised today. When he heard such obedient words, not only did he not look happy, but his face turned angry.

Liu She asked: "Do you remember it all the time?"
Liu Sheyu: "You haven't changed your mind?"
Stupid author: "Thank you for being a member of Baozi, more updates are coming!"




Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers!"
(End of this chapter)

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