Chapter 147
Liu Ying: "Dad?"
Liu Ying frowned, his eyes getting colder.

Liu Ying: "Didn't we agree that as long as the final result remains unchanged, you will not interfere with me during this period."
Liu Ying held back his anger and slowly raised his head.

Liu Sheyu picked up the coffee on the table, frowned slightly, and took a sip. His face was indifferent, and he couldn't tell the difference between happiness and anger, nor the depth.

Liu She said: "Yeah."
He responded indifferently, then turned around and went upstairs. He walked slowly and steadily.

In the large and simple bedroom, Liu Sheyu was sitting quietly on the round single sofa in the center of the room. It was rare for him to be so aimlessly lost in thought, indulging himself in wasting time in a meaningless daze.

Time goes back to this afternoon...

In the bright and comfortable office, Liu Shehe looked at the documents intently, and Secretary Zhao knocked on the heavy wooden door of the office in a cold sweat.

Liu She and Ping Ping probably didn't like others to disturb him when he was concentrating on doing something, but when he heard the beeping voice, a thought came to his mind, and a suspicion flashed across his mind.

Secretary Zhao carefully glanced at his expression, saw that he was in a good mood, and mentally encouraged himself
Secretary Zhao: "Boss, everything has been found out."
Liu She said: "Yeah."
Liu She and Su simply pushed the files on the desktop aside to make some space for themselves.

Secretary Zhao's palms were sweating nervously, and she handed the document to him tremblingly.

Liu Sheyu frowned and took the document. He couldn't wait to flip through the document. What came into view was her innocent and beautiful ID photo. Her smile was pure and sweet. Liu Sheyu smiled knowingly.

He glanced down, but the more he looked, the gloomier his expression became.

Gong Furuo?
The veins on his forehead twitched slightly, and the document in his hand was crumpled.There was a sinister look in the black eyes.Noticing his depression, Secretary Zhao even quietly slowed down his breathing rate.Thinking of Master Liu's concern and love for Gong Fuluo, and then recalling how his big boss cared about her, he was shocked and silently sighed, what kind of bad fate is this.

Liu Sheyu said: "Well done, you can go out first."
Noticing Secretary Zhao's silence, Liu Sheyu didn't want to show his gaffe in front of others. He turned the pen in his hand and suppressed his emotions. In just a moment, all the abnormalities were buried deep in his heart, as if the heavy snow had buried everything and disappeared. .

Secretary Zhao knew his character and didn't dare to say anything. He nodded and said yes and went out.

The memory comes back, and the willow house and thoughts are mixed.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the photos of her that Secretary Zhao had collected. His eyes were sharp and cold. He stretched out his hand and gently brushed her unreally beautiful face in the photos. His eyes were as if he were defending his prey, and he was extremely possessive. powerful.

Liu She said: "Liu Camp is not yours. In this case, why not give it to me."
He had completely forgotten all the criticisms he had made about her identity before, and he had completely forgotten that Liu Ying was forced to say such things by himself.

Liu Sheyu: "Anyway, he doesn't cherish you enough. I will do better."
He thought so firmly and confidently.

Liu Sheyu: "Even if it is... so what?"
A low laugh burst from his throat, his voice was mellow and magnetic.

Liu Shehe is extremely conceited and egotistical at heart. Even though this matter seems to be something that everyone should not be unable to do, for him, as long as he is willing, there is nothing wrong with it.

Liu Sheyu said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I have to think carefully about how to catch the swan."
(End of this chapter)

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