Chapter 148
The days passed quickly. Even though Liu Sheyu was already eyeing the pure swan, he was still calm enough to investigate bit by bit and deepen his understanding in order to lay out his plan.

There is no doubt that Secretary Zhao's ability is strong. With just one instruction from Liu She, he has already investigated everything around Gong Fuluo. There are many things that even Gong Fuluo himself may not know.

For example...

Liu Shehe closed the document and tapped his index finger unconsciously on the transparent glass table. His face was calm, but his heart was in turmoil.

Secretary Zhao could hardly conceal his sympathy and regret for Gong Furuo.

Liu She asked: "She knows it herself, hasn't she told Ruoruo yet?"
Secretary Zhao: "Judging from Miss Gong's performance, she probably doesn't know."
Secretary Zhao hesitated for a while and then gave an affirmative answer.

Liu Sheyu nodded, with a faint meaning flashing in his eyes.To solve this matter, it is neither easy nor difficult. It depends on whether you have enough power and wealth.

Liu Sheyu is the most astute businessman, a person who kills everyone in the business field, the best at seizing the opportunity and using any means.

He had a keen sense that this would be his best chance.

Liu Sheyu: "Help me contact the best team of experts in this field. At all costs, contact them early and be prepared."
Secretary Zhao knows very well what kind of person his boss is. He is not a good person who shows kindness without repaying it.

Secretary Zhao: "Yes, boss."
After Secretary Zhao left, Liu Sheyu lay down in the chair and looked at the ceiling of the office, his face cold, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

When Gong Furuo returned home, he saw his mother writing and drawing on the table with a smile on her lips and gentle eyes.

Gong Furuo: "Mom."
Her voice was soft and sweet, with the innocence of a little girl and full of dependence.Palace Mother: "Ruoruo, are you back?"
Although her expression was calm, her face looked very pale for some reason, and her lips had no color.

Gong Furuo is a little worried

Gong Furuo: "Mom, you look very bad recently. Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?"
After hearing her words, the hand that the palace mother was writing paused, her shoulders stiffened, and her face looked unnatural.

Unfortunately, this only lasted for a moment, and she soon started to smile again.

Palace Mother: "Ruoruo, don't worry about me, I just have a little insomnia these days and can't sleep well at night."
Gong Furuo: "Why did you suddenly suffer from insomnia? It feels very serious, why don't you go and have a look."
The palace mother looked at her eagerness to care about her, smiled happily, and brushed her face with her soft hands.

Deep in his eyes was a slow feeling of reluctance and sadness.

Palace Mother: "I just dream about your dad a lot lately and miss him so much."
Hearing her mention her deceased father, Gong Furuo also felt depressed, but after a while he cheered up and comforted his mother.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, if you have insomnia again, you can come to me and we can sleep together."
It would be nice if she no longer had to worry about things in the hospital. The palace mother achieved her goal and smiled relaxedly.

Palace Mother: "Okay."
Palace Mother: "I am so lucky to have such a good daughter like Ruoruo."
The palace mother has delicate emotions and is never stingy in expressing her love. Gong Furuo is not surprised as he nestles into her arms lovingly and with a bright smile.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, I am very happy to be your daughter."
From an angle that she couldn't see, the palace mother's eyes flickered, and she could faintly see the crystal tears.

(End of this chapter)

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