Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 22 22 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 22 22. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

There is a folk festival in the Southern Jin Dynasty called the Flower Chao Festival. There are many water towns in the Southern Jin Dynasty, and the people have a romantic feeling in their bones. Therefore, the people of the Southern Jin Dynasty believe that the Flower Goddess can bless the love between men and women. On this day, single men and women can go out to find a good match, and if there is a lover, You can also worship the God of Flowers to pray for longevity.

This can be regarded as a feature of the Southern Jin Dynasty, so people in the Three Kingdoms have also heard of it.Even people like Qi Helian who don't like to have fun know something about this.

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er, the Flower Festival will be held in two days. Can you and I go to participate together?"
The rockery in the Royal Garden is very secluded, and it was the place where the two of them fell in love. Now it has almost become a special tryst place for the two of them.

Gong Furuo: "Even brother, do you know about the Flower Festival in the Southern Jin Dynasty?"
Qi Helian: "Yes, it is said that if you can get the blessing of the Flower Goddess during the Flower Festival, a man and a woman can love each other for a lifetime and never be separated. This is almost my biggest wish."
Qi Helian looked at Gong Furuo's clear and bright eyes under the moonlight, playing with her pair of tender catkins, and all his love was condensed into this sentence.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, your heart is like my heart."
Gong Furuo leaned into Qi Helian's arms. Listening to his strong and fast heartbeat, he smiled gently. That's it, his heart beat only for himself.

It was late at night, and after the two reluctantly said goodbye, Gong Furuo quietly returned to Qingluan Pavilion.Qi Helian walked steadily with an uncontrollable smile on his lips.

Bi Fei: "Master, have I never seen you so happy?"
Bi Fei has been with Qi Helian since he was a child. He has been looking in high spirits recently, so he can't help but join in to make some jokes. He is confident that his master will not be displeased by this.

Qi Helian gave him a casual look when he heard this. Thinking of Gong Furuo, he felt his heart softening in the gentle land.

Qi Helian: "You are becoming more and more courageous. You can even make fun of your master."
Bi Fei: "I am happy for my master. A mistress like Princess Qingluan, who is both talented and beautiful, and has a kind temperament, will definitely be in harmony with you in the future."
Qi Helian: "Hahaha, hostess, not bad, reward me"
As expected, Qi Helian was not annoyed, and was elated when he said something about the hostess on the left and harmony with the piano and the harp on the right.

Coincidentally, the next day, Shan Shu was ordered by her royal brother to test Gong Fu Ruo about the Hua Chao Festival. Gong Fu Ruo listened to her words and said good things for Shan Zi, and sighed in her heart. Shu is open-minded, and she will definitely accept it if he talks to her at this time, but if he is discovered by deceiving her, his long-term planning will be in vain.

Gong Furuo: "Sister Shu, what do you think of Prince Xiwei?"
Shan Shu saw that she asked suddenly and looked as shy as a young girl in love, so she didn't understand.

Shan Shu: "Ruo'er, could it be you?"
Gong Furuo's eyes were still innocent and ignorant of the world, and she looked at Shan Shu trustingly with those eyes.

Gong Furuo: "Sister Shu, I, my heart is pleased with the Crown Prince of Western Wei."
Shan Shu's heart dropped. Anyone who was not blind could see that Qi Helian was interested in Gong Furuo. Now the emperor's brother was completely out of luck.

Gong Furuo: "Sister Shu, the Crown Prince of Western Wei has asked me to attend the Flower Festival with him, and I have agreed."
Shan Shu sighed deeply and understood that love cannot be forced. It was rare for two people to be in love, so she could only smile with all her strength at the moment.

Shan Shu: "It seems that our Ruo'er is about to find the right man. Sister Shu would like to congratulate Ruo'er first."
After the two separated, Shan Shu was extremely entangled along the way, not knowing how to tell the emperor about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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