Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 23 23 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 23 23. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

While Shan Shu was struggling, Shan Zi was also restless and waiting anxiously. It stands to reason that Shan Zi should be well versed in the ways of men and women as he lingers among flowers, but in the past, he has never really liked anyone, and no woman can make her fall in love with her. He put so much thought into it, maybe it was because he was "timid in being close to home".It's just a pity that Shan Zi's emotional strategy of "boiling a frog in warm water" failed because Qi He repeatedly intercepted her.

Shan Shu: "Shu'er, how's it going?"
Shan Shu lowered her head and almost didn't dare to speak.Seeing her like this, Shan Zi knew it was not good. After thinking about it again and again, he stopped urging her and waited for Shan Shu to be ready before speaking.

Shan Shu: "Brother, Ruo'er told me personally that she is fond of Qi Helian, the crown prince of the Western Wei Dynasty."
Shan Zi: "Qi Helian, that boring gourd, the living king of hell, what is so good about him?"
Shan Shu: "Brother Huang..."
Shan Shu was worried. The emperor's brother always kept the words of saints in mind, but he had never been arranging people behind his back like today.Alas, Ruo'er's influence on the emperor's brother is actually so great?
Shan Zi: "Have they already committed to each other for life? As long as they are not married yet, I will have a chance."
Shan Shu: "Ruo'er didn't say this, but brother Huang, Ruo'er likes Qi Helian. It's better for you to give up early to avoid getting into deeper trouble."
Shan Zi: "Shu'er, you don't have to worry about this anymore. Thank you for helping me find out the news today."
Shan Zi's eyes were paranoid and his face was stern. At this moment, the candlelight flickered, and in a daze, Shan Shu felt that the person in front of her was a little strange.

Soon, the Flower Festival came, and news came from Qingluan Pavilion that the princess was sick and unwell and could not attend the Flower Festival.In addition to this, everyone else was very interested in this grand event. The Emperor of Jin also showed his loyalty as a landlord and sent a group of soldiers in disguise to follow this group of nobles from other countries to protect them.

As night fell, Qi Helian, Shan Zi, Chu Si, Shan Shu, and Gong Fuli walked on the street, with different expressions on their faces.Gong Fuli kept moving closer to Qi Helian. Qi Helian's pupils were dark and he strode forward.

Shan Zi: "The Prince of Western Wei is really talented. Not only is he good at civil and military affairs, he is also extremely talented at pleasing women."
Shan Zi opened the folding fan with a teasing tone, but the words he spoke were as sharp as a knife.

Qi Helian: "How to interpret the words of the Prince of Dongqing? It is really puzzling."
Qi Helian frowned, pursed his lips into a straight line in displeasure, and moved back with all his might.

Shan Zi stopped talking, but sneered. For a moment, several people looked at each other, not understanding how these two people met. Not to mention them, even Qi He, the suffering master, did not understand why Shan Zi suddenly targeted him. Only Shan Zi Shu's heart was like a bright mirror, but she couldn't say anything. She could only sigh silently in her heart and thought to herself, why is this so hard?

Along the way, small stalls and hawkers gathered, and several people were involved in the crowd. When Qi Helian saw this, he understood that the opportunity had come, and hurriedly took this opportunity to turn around and walk in the other direction. Gong Fuli was secretly anxious and wanted to follow Qi He. Even though she developed a relationship with him, she couldn't keep up with him.Shan Zi's eyes were dark, staring at his back, which looked eager to leave, but at this moment, his feet were caught by the crowd and he couldn't get away.

Qi Helian walked quickly and looked very proud. He and Gong Furuo had discussed it long ago. If the two of them disappeared together, others would inevitably become suspicious, so on the surface only Qi Helian left the palace, but in fact Gong Furuo If you hold the token given by Emperor Jin, you can enter and exit the palace at will. You will arrive at the Qinghua River early and wait for Qi Helian to escape and join her.

(End of this chapter)

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