Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 24 24 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 24 24. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Bi Fei: "Princess, Your Highness should be here soon. You won't be kept waiting for too long."
Qi Helian was worried about Gong Furuo's safety and left Bi Fei, who was highly skilled in martial arts, to take care of her.At this moment, Bi Fei looked at Gong Fuluo's expression, fearing that the beauty in His Highness' heart would be displeased.

Gong Furuo: "It doesn't matter, even my brother is probably secretly anxious right now."
Gong Furuo's voice was gentle and sweet, and Bi Fei breathed a sigh of relief. His Highness' eyes were really speechless.

After that, the two of them stopped talking. Gong Furuo looked quietly at the river bank and suddenly smiled brightly.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, brother Lian!"
Gong Furuo today wore an elegant and elegant goose-yellow folk uniform, with a carved wooden hairpin. Although his face was covered with a veil, it still touched people's hearts.

Qi Helian came over at a gallop. It was clear that Gong Furuo was standing in a remote corner, but he could just see her at a glance. He was about to go over and scare her, but he didn't expect that this little girl had sharp eyes. .

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er, I've been waiting for a long time. It's all because of brother Lian's fault."
Gong Furuo's eyebrows were soft, and the little lights reflected in her eyes, shining like stars in her eyes. She stood on her tiptoes, covered Qi Helian's mouth, and shook her head gently.

Gong Furuo: "Don't say that. What's wrong with Brother Lian? This is the best choice for you and me. Brother Lian is weighing the pros and cons."
Qi Helian: "Silly girl."
Qi He sighed, stretched out his slender arms, and took Gong Furuo into his arms.Bi Fei was a very smart man. Seeing this scene, he stepped aside early to avoid disturbing his master's eyes.

Qi Helian was satisfied, gave Bi Fei a look, and then held Gong Furuo's hand tightly, protecting her firmly in the crowded crowd.Sometimes, Qi He even surprised himself that he could really love someone so wholeheartedly. If someone had said this to him before, he would have scoffed.

Gong Furuo: "Ah, that mask is so beautiful."
Gong Furuo was weak, but even though he was a little excited at the moment, he always kept the doctor's advice in mind and slowly took Qi Helian's hand and walked to the mask stall. Qi Helian smiled helplessly and his eyes were glued to her.

The owner of this mask stall was a middle-aged man who seemed honest and amiable. Seeing that both of them were wearing extraordinary clothes, he also guessed that they must be either rich or noble, so he immediately went to entertain them with great enthusiasm.

Toolman: "Two distinguished guests, the masks in this stall are all made by the villain and my wife. Although they are not expensive, they are novel and interesting."
The stall owner did not exaggerate. Gong Furuo had been raised in a pampered and pampered way and had never seen anything, but he had never seen such a cute and interesting mask.

Qi He even looked at Gong Fuluo looking at a rabbit mask with sparkling eyes. It looked really cute. He gently scratched Gong Fuluo's palm and saw with satisfaction that her earlobes turned red. Then he picked up the mask and threw it away. Got a gold leaf.

Qi Helian: "I want this mask."
The stall owner had never seen such a posture before, and he was frightened.

Toolman: "Sir, this gold leaf is too precious, and I can't exchange it for you."
Qi Helian had a habitual expression on his face, and now he glanced at the stall owner casually, which frightened him so much that Gong Furuo could only comfort him.

Gong Furuo: "Stall owner, there's no need to look for it. Your masks are very nice and we like them very much, right? Brother Lian?"
Gong Furuo raised his head and stared into Qi Helian's eyes with a smile, and Qi Helian immediately turned into a soft smile.

Qi Helian: "Well, this mask is really good."
The two of them no longer cared about all this, and walked away with their fingers intertwined, leaving the stall owner behind to express his gratitude. With this gold leaf, the family's life can be improved, and he can buy his wife her favorite silver hairpin. Buy a pack of sweet-scented osmanthus cake for my daughter, which she loves.

(End of this chapter)

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