Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 232 26 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 232 26. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Gong Furuo.: "I want to eat ice cream."
Gong Furuo took Fu Hanqing's arm and acted coquettishly, smiling as brightly as a flower under his helpless eyes. It seemed that he had been able to completely come out of that terrible haze without any impact.

He should have refused. She had eaten a lot of cold food this month, but when he thought of the hardships she had gone through, he couldn't help but refuse.

Fu Hanqing: "Okay, is it strawberry flavored?"
He said it with certainty. This confidence came from his absolute understanding of her.Sure enough, Gong Furuo smiled like the spring breeze in March.

Gong Furuo.: "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
Gong Furuo.: "Hanqing, you are so kind."
Fu Hanqing: "Then wait for me here. I'll be back soon."
Gong Furuo looked at the tall and elegant back, leaning lazily on the steps, his smile became brighter and brighter, and he felt a sense of relief that everything was about to end.

She wore a pure white dress today. It was the most innocent dress and the most easily stained dress.

She looked lazy and charming while leaning on the escalator of the corridor. The sunlight dyed her pure black hair into a light chestnut color, showing a little shimmer.

In the eyes of Luozheng, who was described as embarrassed and covered with scars, this look was a naked mockery. She bit her lower lip in shame. The mark was very deep. It was conceivable that it should be painful, but she seemed not to feel it. , looking stubbornly in the direction of Gong Furuo over there.

Luozheng: "Gong Furuo."
Gong Furuo didn't seem surprised by her appearance. She straightened her hair leisurely, and the soft black hair was wrapped around her white knuckles, like shackles trapping anything.

Gong Furuo: "Luozheng."
Gong Furuo: "Why do you look like this? You look so embarrassed."
Gong Furuo: "Don't you think you have been a dazzling little princess since birth? Now you don't look like a princess, but like a beggar."
When she said such heart-wrenching words, she even had a pure and innocent smile on her lips.

Luozheng looked into her dark eyes and felt a chill running through his body. He felt a sense of fear and cowardice from the bottom of his heart. This was something he had never seen before.

She tried hard to calm down, not wanting to show her cowardice in front of such a love rival.Luozheng: "You are such a bad woman. You pretended to be pitiful on the surface. You deceived brother Hanqing, my brother, and even Uncle Fu and Aunt Fu."
Luozheng: "You are simply terrifying!"
Gong Furuo looked at her fierce expression and pursed his lips in disdain.

Gong Fuluo.: "If I were that Gong Fuluo and no longer the bad woman you call me, I'm afraid I should have jumped off the platform by your means and died without a burial place."
Luozheng: "What do you mean?"
From the corner of his eye, Gong Furuo caught a glimpse of the figure walking towards here from a distance. He glanced at her needlessly and was no longer in the mood to talk nonsense with her.
When she was arguing with Luozheng, she was very close to her, and then the angle concealed her and she slipped down the long steps.

From that perspective, it was Gong Furuo who was pushed down by the person standing with her.

Luozheng was not a fool. He still didn't understand what happened.She looked helplessly at Gong Furuo, whose white dress was stained red with blood, biting her nails absentmindedly.

Fu Hanqing: "Ruoruo."
Luo Sheng: "Ruoruo."
Two male voices with different voices but equally full of worry reached her ears clearly.

Coincidentally, these two beautiful voices seemed very familiar to her.

Fu Hanqing was closer and took longer steps.

The pink strawberry ice cream in his hand fell to the ground and gradually melted into a puddle of pink sugar water under the hot sun.

(End of this chapter)

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