Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 233 27 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 233 27. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Fu Hanqing's hands were trembling as he carefully checked her injuries.

Luo Sheng: "How is she?"
Luo Sheng: "Is it serious?"
Luo Sheng's face turned pale with fright, and bright red blood filled his vision, turning into a bright red nightmare.

Fu Hanqing: "Call 120"
Fu Hanqing: "Quick!"
He shouted anxiously while using his own theoretical knowledge to stop her bleeding.

Gong Furuo had fallen into a coma at this moment.

The 120 with emergency lights flashing quickly drove into the campus, and the unconscious Gong Furuo was carried on a stretcher.

When Fu Hanqing hurriedly got into the car beside her, his eyes were locked on Luozheng, with unforgettable hatred in his eyes.

This brief glance made Luozheng feel chills all over his body, and his feet were fixed to the ground and could no longer move.

At this moment, she realized very clearly that Fu Hanqing could be her brother Hanqing when he wanted to, but when he didn't want to, he could also be a demon who cut off her escape and drove her to death.

For the first time, Luozheng clearly realized this cruel truth and felt extremely fearful of Fu Hanqing like this.

Luozheng: "It's not me, it's really not me."
Luozheng: "I didn't push her. She did it on purpose. She was setting me up."
Her heartbreaking cries were smoothly carried to the ears of Fu Hanqing and Luo Sheng, but what was the use? Who would be willing to believe her.

Fu Hanqing's eyes looked a little colder when he looked at her, to the point where she could freeze someone into an ice sculpture.

Luo Sheng: "I'll go too."
Luozheng stared blankly at his brother. He had never looked at him since he came here. He only looked at him with the same disgusted and indifferent eyes as Fu Hanqing when he just told the truth.

Fu Hanqing looked away from Luozheng.

Unpredictable and unclear emotions.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on Luo Sheng, and a disdainful and hostile smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
Fu Hanqing: "The Luo family is like a raccoon dog."
Fu Hanqing: "What qualifications do you have?"
The pure white ambulance gradually drove away. Luo Sheng looked at the colored lights on the roof absently.

Luozheng: "Brother, I was really framed. I didn't push her. She fell down on purpose."
Luozheng: "Fu Hanqing will kill me, please save me!"
She cried so hard that she looked so pitiful, her shoulders hunched up and down, and her white face was full of tears.

Luo Sheng looked at this face that he had seen since childhood and stared deeply for a long time.

Finally, he coldly shook off her hand and turned away without any nostalgia.

Luo Sheng: "I won't believe a word of your words."
Luo Sheng: "She knew how much I liked her, but she still coaxed me into doing things that hurt her, and it was almost irreversible."
His words were very cold, and finally dissipated in the wind, leaving not even a trace of coldness behind.

Luozheng stared at his back blankly, then fell weakly to the ground.

it's over, it's really over

Only at this moment did she have a clear understanding of all this.

Luozheng's heart was high, she was restless and full of fear.She had a premonition that Fu Hanqing's big knife would fall on her head at any time, it was just a matter of time.

And Luo Sheng... I'm afraid he is really the abandoned son of the Luo family.


Central Hospital

Toolman: "Hey, when I just went to the VIP ward for ward rounds, I saw the girl you talked about last time."
Toolman: "How about it, I didn't lie to you."
Tool Man: "No, no, I believe it. She really looks like a fairy. It makes me feel bad when she frowns. I really can't imagine who would be willing to hurt her."
(End of this chapter)

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