Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 29 29 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister (Additional Updates)

Chapter 29 29. Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister (Additional Updates)

Shan Shu took Gong Furuo's hand into the peach blossom forest. From a distance, she saw Shan Zi bending down and tapping on the swing with a delicate tool.

Shan Shu: "Brother Huang, why are you here?"
Shan Shu pretended to be surprised and asked as the two had agreed.

Shan Zi must have dressed up carefully today. His robe was bright red and spotless.Even the sunlight is too embarrassed to leave mottled tree shadows.His hair is jet black, accentuating the poetic sheen of his pearly white neck beneath his bun.

Shan Zi: "I heard from the little girl next to you that you installed a swing in the peach forest. I was afraid that you would be too frizzy to pretend well, so I came here to reinforce it for you."
He looked at the two people approaching hand in hand, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes just in time, and he happened to face Gong Furuo so that she could see his surprised expression clearly.

Shan Zi: "Tell me, why did he disappear so early in the morning?"
He smiled calmly, and his words were a bit teasing, but he measured them just right. They were not offensive, but instead brought him closer.

Shan Shu: "Ruo'er, come and try this swing. You won't be disappointed."
Shan Zi: "This swing is spacious. You two sit on it together and I will hold it for you."
Gong Furuo looked embarrassed, glanced at Shan Zi quickly and then lowered his head, his voice as thin as a mosquito or fly.

Gong Furuo: "There is no need to trouble Prince Dongqing. Why is Ruo'er so embarrassed?"
Shan Zi: "It doesn't matter. You and Shu'er love each other as sisters, so just treat me like her as your brother. It's okay to call me Brother Zi."
Shan Zi took his time and didn't seem to take her rejection to heart.
Gong Furuo: "This... I'm... afraid it's inappropriate."
Seeing that she wanted to refuse again, Shan Zi's eyes flickered and he smiled at her with a gentle tone.

Shan Zi: "What? You won't even give me a chance to be your brother?"
He had already said it to this point, and it would be a bit unkind to refuse again. Moreover, Gong Furuo followed Shan Shu here today and had already anticipated the purpose of the two brothers and sisters, so it was just a false refusal.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Shanzi"
Although this title was not as intimate as Shan Zi wanted, his willingness to compromise was already a big progress, so he looked into his eyes with a straight smile.

Shan Zi: "Since you call me brother, it's my duty as an older brother to hold the swing for my two sisters."
Shan Zi struck while the iron was hot, taking advantage of her thin-faced and soft-hearted nature, and gave Shan Shu a look without leaving any trace.

Shan Shu hurriedly pushed Gong Furuo to sit on the swing, and sat down herself. After she was stable, she spoke lightly.

Shan Zi: "Ruo'er, please don't be polite to Brother Huang. If you don't let him help, I'm afraid he will feel uneasy. Brother Huang is very strong in martial arts. No matter how high we fly, we won't be hurt."
Gong Furuo had been persuaded by his brother and sister to look at each other and had no choice but to retreat. At this moment, he could only smile.

Gong Furuo: "Then I'll trouble Brother Shanzi."
Shan Zi and Shan Shu met their eyes, with meaningful smiles on their lips.

Shan Zi: "Sit tight!"
Shan Zi reminded softly and slowly pushed up the swing. The speed was slow at first. After seeing that they all got used to it, he gradually accelerated the speed. The swing flew higher and higher. Gong Furuo had already forgotten the reluctance just now, and his heart was broken. She became lighter and giggled together with Shan Shu.

Shan Shu: "Brother, hurry up and have fun!"
Shan Shu was restless and laughing while sitting on the swing.

Shan Zi: "You little monkey, you can't go any faster, otherwise if you are weak, you may not be able to bear it."
Seeing that he could still care about her at this time, Gong Furuo showed a little touch on his face.Just like Shan Shu, she shouted in the wind.

Gong Furuo: "Thank you, Brother Shanzi!"
Stupid author: "Thank you Tian_nana Baozi for being a member. I will add another chapter today. Are you guys okay?"
(End of this chapter)

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