Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 30 30 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 30 30. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

It was rare for Gong Furuo to enjoy herself as much as she did today. When Shan Shu pulled her down from the swing, her cheeks were still flushed with excitement, and then she saw Shan Zi making love to her. Smiling lightly, he felt a little embarrassed and lowered his head shyly.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Shan Zi, thank you very much for your hard work today."
Shan Zi: "Ruo'er, if you are so polite to me again, I will be sad."
Shan Zi wanted to step forward and touch her head, but Gong Furuo took a step back in panic. His hand just hung in the air, neither moving forward nor retreating.Gong Furuo had always kept a distance from men except Qi Helian, and it was his instinctive reaction at this moment.Gong Furuo secretly regretted it, as if he had reacted too much, fearing that he would be angry, so he secretly looked at his face.

Shan Zi wasn't angry at all, just a little disappointed, but looking at her secretly looking up, with her smart and cute look, no matter how many negative emotions she had, she was completely dissipated, so how could she be willing to embarrass her.

Shan Zi: "I brought a pastry chef from Dongqing. I ordered him to use the blooming peach blossoms to make peach blossom and lotus paste cakes early today. It tastes sweet and delicious. Ruo'er and Shu'er should go and try it together."
This chef is indeed good at making pastries. It was because Shan Shu had a picky taste and loved his craftsmanship that Shan Zi brought him along. He didn't expect that it would be of such great use today.

Shan Shu: "Ruo'er, let's go. This chef is a pastry master. He will never let you down."
Gong Furuo had just insulted him, and when he saw that Shan Zi had no intention of pursuing him in anger, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. How could he have the nerve to refuse at this moment?In addition, she also loves sweets. She was quite curious about the peach blossom and lotus paste cake that Shan Zi and Shan Shu both praised, and she smiled and nodded.

Gong Furuo: "If brother Shanzi doesn't dislike it, then Ruo'er will bother you a little more."
Fortunately, Shan Zi and Shan Shu lived very close to each other, so they didn't go far before arriving at Shan Zi's guest bedroom.

Someone must have informed the chef a long time ago. As soon as Gong Fuluo sat down and took a sip of tea, a little maid came over with steaming pastries.

This pastry is really exquisitely made, pink in color, and looks like a peach blossom. If Gong Furuo picks up a piece, the fragrance is fragrant.Chew it carefully, it is smooth and oily, soft and glutinous, sweet but not greasy, it is really delicious.

Gong Furuo: "It's hard for him. Not only does this pastry look like peach blossoms, it also tastes like peach blossoms."
Gong Furuo carefully finished a piece of pastry, wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully with a handkerchief, and then praised it loudly.

Shan Zi saw that she liked it, so he ordered his servants to tell the pastry chef to make two more special dishes while the iron was hot. Gong Furuo and Shan Shu ate happily, like two little hamsters, chattering and laughing while eating, Shan Zi looked at this scene and smiled a little unconsciously. It had been a long time since he had been as relaxed as he was today.

Time passed by bit by bit. Gong Furuo saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and said goodbye.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Shanzi, thank you for your hospitality today. The pastries and tea you have here are so delicious."
Shan Zi: "Ruo'er is always so polite. Today, with you and Shu'er, my house has become more lively."
Several people chatted and laughed, but Shan Shu wanted to stay and have dinner with Shan Zi, so Gong Furuo left alone. With the light of the sun, Gong Furuo walked away slowly, and Shan Zi leaned against the door, his eyes focused. He looked at her back and laughed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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