Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 291 55 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 291 55. Borrowing an Orphan
He was frighteningly thick-skinned, and Gong Furuo knew that he was no match for him in a verbal dispute, so he simply raised his head and looked out the window. The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight filtered through the small carved mahogany window and cast a silvery glow all over the ground.

Her white side face is cold and beautiful, and her pursed lips are smooth, like a fairy in the moon.

Huangfu Muji looked at her, gradually becoming fascinated.

Huangfu Muji: "It's my fault that I always make you angry."
He softened his voice and lowered his posture to coax.

Huangfu Muji said: "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight, wouldn't it be a pity to waste time on venting your anger with me? Why don't you and I go to that yard and enjoy the bright moon together?"
Gong Furuo's jaw was still tense, but it could be seen that it had softened a bit. It was obvious that he was not as angry as before. Huangfu Muji felt a move in his heart and sighed softly, with a touch of compassion from a superior.Even if you are so easy to coax when facing a despicable person like yourself who has ulterior motives and bad intentions, what should you do?

Huangfu Muji: "I promise not to recruit you like this again in the future."
Having said this, she finally glanced back at her.The light glance, without any emotion, made his heart tremble with indescribable excitement.

She didn't say yes or no, so Huangfu Muji knew that this was the default gesture.

In an instant, like water flowing into boiling oil, the whole small courtyard became busy, hurriedly preparing tea, melons and fruits, and even put out the chessboard and guqin.

Gong Furuo looked at the scene in front of him and smiled with a little sarcasm.

Gong Furuo: "Obviously the old lady gave me the person, but they all know each other very well, and they know who the real master is."
It was rare for Huangfu Mu Ji to make her feel ashamed. He coughed lightly and thought of something again, concerned and a little angry.

Huangfu Muji: "But they don't take good care of you?"
Gong Furuo shook his head gently, there was no need to embarrass them.

Gong Furuo: "No need to speculate too much."
Soon, the deft servants had everything ready.

Gong Furuo walked out first. Her steps were light and slow, and her back was very charming as she walked gracefully.Huangfu Muji followed closely, looking at her thin back, and pulled off the cloak that he had not taken off just now.

Huangfu Muji: "Don't catch a cold."
The voice was deep and mellow, without concealing the closeness and concern.

When Si Xuli heard the male voice, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were filled with frightening light, and he clenched the cup tightly with his big, vein-covered hands.

The conversation over there is still going on.

Gong Furuo: "It doesn't have to be like this."
Her voice was not as affectionate as his, and even contained resistance and rejection.

Huangfu Muji carelessly stroked her black hair and forcefully put a heavy cloak on her.

Huangfu Muji: "No matter how angry you are with me, your own body is the most important."
It had a bit of a preachy tone. Gong Furuo didn't want to argue endlessly with him, so he lowered his head and looked at the thin tape without saying a word.

This voice was familiar to Si Xuli. He narrowed his eyes slightly and turned the white porcelain wine glass in his hand. His eyes were fixed on the snow-white wall connecting him and his sweetheart. It was full of aggression, like a pack of wolves. The wolf king here is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be dragged back to your cave as prey by him.

A good Prime Minister who is over [-] years old appears in the courtyard of his son's ex-fiancee late at night. He is so intimate. They are both men. Who doesn't know each other?You can't just come here to understand the living conditions of the younger generation.

Huangfu Tingzhu's haggard face appeared in front of his eyes. His mind was spinning rapidly, and he quickly figured out everything, and he couldn't help but sneer.At the same time, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he had always been cautious enough. Otherwise, Huangfu Muji's temperament would have been clearly investigated when he moved here.

(End of this chapter)

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