Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 292 56 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 292 56. Borrowing an Orphan
Si Xuli could calm down. In his early years, he was not as prosperous as he is now. The brothers who had grown up long ago were aggressively coveting his position. He just endured the calculation and drove them all into the clan mansion. .

No matter how tolerant he was, knowing that his beloved Mingyue, whom he regarded as unattainable, was coveted and coerced by an older man who was a round older than her, anger still surged in his heart. In the boiling anger, he raised his head and drank. A cup of strong wine and scarlet eyes.

Huangfu Muji said: "The ninth day of the fifth lunar month is a good day to get married."
Gong Furuo raised his head and glanced at him gently, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Gong Furuo: "The ninth day of May..."
This day was chosen perfectly. It was originally the day Huangfu Ting decided to get married to her.

She murmured, narrowed her eyes, and stared at his expression carefully.

Is this just a tacit understanding between father and son, or did he do it on purpose?
Huangfu Muji let her stare openly and openly, looking into her beautiful eyes without any hesitation, as if he was innocent, everything was because of her, Gong Furuo, who judged a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Gong Furuo finally lowered his eyes, and the suspicion in his eyes faded away. Naturally, he did not see the smile on the corner of Huangfu Muji's mouth, which was a little possessive and wanted to announce his lust to the whole world.

Gong Fuluo: "Where's Daukou? Will she accompany me?"
Huangfu Mu Ji looked at him with tender and caring eyes, which reflected a man's love for a woman and an elder's love for an innocent young man.

Huangfu Muji: "Of course, I promised you that she will naturally accompany you on the day you and I get married. When you marry into Huangfu Mansion and become the hostess of Huangfu Mansion, she will be your personal maid from now on." I'll be with you every day."
After getting the confidence, Gong Furuo frowned. The discomfort of having everything under his control made her expression cold and indifferent.

Gong Furuo: "It's getting late."
After understanding the hint, Huangfu Muji didn't want to make her angry at this time. There was no need. Anyway, she would lie by his side sooner or later, accompanying her day and night, so there was no need to rush for a while.

So Huangfu Muji just smiled, picked up the tea cup, drank all the tea in the cup, and said with a smile.

Huangfu Muji: "You go to bed early and I'll come see you next time."
With a "squeak", the thick red lacquered wooden door was opened, making a sound that was hard to ignore in the silent night.

Then, there were steady footsteps.Finally, the sound of carriage wheels grinding against the ground sounded, indicating that the people had completely gone away.

Si Xuli looked towards the direction from which the sound came and sneered.

Si Xuli: "You bitch, we still don't know who will win!"
After waiting for about an hour, he exerted force on his hand and concealed his aura, and sneaked into the yard separated by the wall.

He had a good ear and a smart mind, and he guessed Gong Furuo's boudoir very well. Under the inexplicable impulse, he hastily entered the girl's elegant boudoir for the first time.

Even breathing sounded in his ears, and he looked over under the bright moonlight. The bed in the center of the room was covered by layers of gauze, and he could vaguely see the figure of the owner of the boudoir.He took a deep breath, blushing from his face to his neck, and tiptoed closer.

With his heart pounding, he opened the curtain with trembling hands.

It turned out that she looked like this when she was sleeping. The girl on the bed had already fallen into a sweet dream. She was quiet and peaceful when she slept.The long eyelashes cast a shadow on the white face, and the small nose is slightly open, which is very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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