Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 331 6 White Moonlight

Chapter 331 6. White Moonlight

Pei Jingxing has become less and less fond of going back to his old home in recent years.

Once he returned to his old house, he could only stay in the study every night. This was the last dignity he left to Xia You for his grandfather's sake.

Pei Jingxing was not as resistant as before today. At least he was in a good mood when he returned to his old house. His emotions were not easy to show, but anyone who knew him a little could see his good mood.

At least this is not difficult for Pei Shanshi.

Pei Shanshi was sitting on the sofa wearing a bright red nightgown, drinking water slowly.

Seeing Pei Jingxing back, he just said hello lightly.

Pei Shanshi: "Brother, I'm back."
Pei Jingxing nodded, loosened his tie, took a glass of water, and headed to the study.

Pei Shanshi's nose twitched and he suddenly stopped Pei Jingxing.The expression on his face was no longer the same as before, and there was some unbearable surprise on his gorgeous face.

Pei Shanshi: "Brother, you smell so good."
She leaned closer to him and smelled again and again. A familiar sweet fragrance floated in the air, and she couldn't help but smile while putting on her shirt.

Pei Jingxing frowned irritably, forgetting that she had a dog nose.

Pei Shanshi: "Ruoruo is back?"
Pei Shanshi: "You have been staying with her tonight?"
Pei Jingxing glanced at her with a very indifferent expression, neither admitting nor denying. He paused slightly, turned around and left.

Pei Shanshi stared at his back and smiled proudly, feeling proud of his keen sense of smell.

She caressed her bright red nightgown gently, and a touching blush appeared on her fair cheeks.

Xia You stood quietly in the corner of the second floor, listening to their conversation word by word.

She hid her figure in the darkness. At this moment, the dark light and shadow hit her face, revealing a little bit of elusive darkness.

After a long time, she wiped the tears from her face and turned back to her room.To be precise, that should be her and Pei Jingxing's room, but he was never willing to be in the same room with her.As expected, Pei Jingxing's study lit up.Xia You thought for a while, then went to the kitchen to cut some of Pei Jingxing's favorite fruits, and carefully made him a cup of coffee that suited his taste. She carefully carried the beautifully placed tray to Pei Jingxing's study.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

There was a knock on the door. Pei Jingxing, who was sitting in front of the large desk, raised his eyebrows, stood up and opened the door.

Xia You: "Jing Xing."
Xia You was a little excited when she saw him opening the door, and her delicate face became more attractive because of the blush of surprise. However, Pei Jingxing seemed to be unable to see anything, and frowned with a cold face.

Pei Jingxing: "To be honest, I'm a little surprised."
They had made an agreement that Xia You could not disturb his life. Pei Jingxing thought that at least she would have some credibility.

He rubbed his brows, paused, and then added.

Pei Jingxing: "Also, just call me Pei Jingxing. Don't call me so intimate. We have agreed on this."
Xia You bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

She raised the tray in her hand and motioned to him.

Xia You: "I thought you came back a little late today and didn't have dinner, so you should be hungry, so I prepared something for you."
Pei Jingxing looked at the supper she had carefully prepared without any disturbance in his heart, and even had a slight sneer on his face.

Pei Jingxing: "It's been so long, and you're still the same as before."
Seeing his disgusted eyes, Xia You panicked, her hand holding the tray trembled slightly, and she regretted it.

She was the one who was impulsive today. She knew clearly what kind of person Pei Jingxing was, yet she broke the agreement with him and brought trouble on herself.In the final analysis, it was Gong Furuo who suddenly returned to China, causing her to be in such chaos that she couldn't care about anything.

Xia You reacted and made timely remedies.

Xia You: "I'm sorry. I was just worried that you would be hungry. I didn't care about anything else. Look at my brain."
Pei Jingxing stood up straight and looked at her condescendingly.

(End of this chapter)

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