Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 332 7 White Moonlight

Chapter 332 7. White Moonlight

Pei Jingxing: "You are indeed a little clever, but Xia You, don't treat others as fools. I have already seen clearly what kind of person you are."
Pei Jingxing: "Because of you, I have lost too much."
His words were too strong, and Xia You's face turned pale. Although she vaguely understood his attitude towards her, this was the first time she faced his malice.

Xia You: "It turns out that in the heart of the person I love the most, I am the person I hate the most."
Pei Jingxing: "The most annoying thing? Maybe you can't be counted, but if you ask me what is going on between the two of us, who is not pretending to be confused and pretending to understand? Why, you, the client, really don't know?"
Being humiliated so ruthlessly by Pei Jingxing, even a person like Xia You couldn't bear it anymore, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

Xia You: "I should have known better. I didn't put myself in the right position."
She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes, looking pitiful.

Pei Jingxing looked directly at him mockingly.

Pei Jingxing: "I don't want to say it a second time. Your cleverness is nothing more than a little cleverness."
Xia You didn't expect that he could be so heartless. He turned around with an embarrassed expression and hurriedly left.

"Clap clap".

Applause came from behind, the sound was not loud, but it was particularly obvious in the silent night.

Pei Shanshi: "What a good show."
Pei Shanshi clapped his hands and pursed his lips while smiling happily.

Pei Shanshi: "Xia You, I am happy to see you unlucky. I still say this, who do you think you are?"
Pei Shanshi: "Didn't you do enough tricks behind your back in the past? Ruoruo is tolerant and generous and doesn't argue with you, but I don't like you no matter how I look at you."
Pei Jingxing was too lazy to pay attention to them and closed the study door to block out the noise, but secretly he agreed with what his sister said.

Xia You was habitually sweet and pure. Even though she was so humiliated by Pei Shan, she just went back to her room with tears in her eyes.

Pei Shanshi's smile widened when she saw this, and she knocked gently on the door of Pei Jingxing's study.

Pei Shanshi: "Brother, why are you so handsome today?"
Pei Jingxing opened the door and saw her looking at him coquettishly.She rubbed her brows irritably, knowing her purpose clearly.

As expected, Pei Shanshi did not hide his smile and smiled brightly.

Pei Shanshi: "Brother, where did you meet Ruoruo today? Where is Ruoruo now? Why did he come back suddenly? Is that bitch Lin Yu with her? How is she now?"
Pei Jingxing annoyed her so much.

Pei Jingxing: "You talk like a machine gun, do you know that?"
How could Pei Shanshi dare to talk back at this time? She just accepted it.

Pei Shanshi: "Yes, yes, I realized it today and will change it later."
Pei Shanshi: "Brother, tell me quickly."
She was a bit crazy, especially when it came to matters related to Gong Furuo, and Pei Jingxing tried to prevaricate her.

Pei Jingxing: "I can't tell you now. I promised Ruoruo to keep it secret. You know, I've never been willing to violate the agreement with Ruoruo."
Pei Shanshi knew that the inquiry was hopeless and that there was no point in pestering him anymore, so he simply turned away and left.

Pei Jingxing was finally freed from the farce and found a moment of peace.He folded his hands and thought about the current situation and countermeasures.

At present, his biggest advantage is that he has an information gap. No one else knows about this matter yet. He can completely cover up the matter and break through Gong Furuo's inner wall during this period of time.

Pei Jingxing was fascinated by the idea, and the plan gradually took shape in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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