Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 338 13 White Moonlight

Chapter 338 13. White Moonlight

There is no one in the Pei family who can't keep their temper. Pei Xingzhi, who looks gentle, affectionate and non-threatening, is not a simple person either.

He pretended not to notice it and smiled as usual.

Pei Xingzhi: "Brother, are you surprised? I am also surprised."
Pei Jingxing understood his unfinished intention and couldn't help but frown.

What could he be surprised about? Zuo was just secretly condemning himself. Ruoruo came back but didn't tell him, leaving him in the dark.

Pei Jingxing felt no guilt about this. He curled his lips and looked directly at him, his majestic face looking aggressive.

Pei Jingxing: "If it were you, I'd probably make the same choice. I think your so-called accident is probably just talk."
He is right, maybe this is the tacit understanding between brothers?
Pei Xingzhi was about to open his mouth to say something when soft footsteps came from behind him.

Along with the footsteps, there was a beautiful voice, which contained excitement.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Jing Xing, are you surprised? I was also shocked when I saw brother Xing Zhi today."
Gong Furuo: "You must miss each other very much."
There must be some missing, Pei Jingxing and Pei Xingzhi have not seen each other since Gong Furuo's wedding of the century in Shengcheng.Pei Xingzhi packed his bags and went abroad. He stopped and walked, but he just didn't want to take him back to Shengcheng.Here, he lost the person he loved most.Pei Jingxing, needless to say, in order to help his grandfather repay his kindness, he used his hopeless marriage as a way to help the Xia family.

If it weren't for this time and in this scene, these brothers who hadn't seen each other for a long time would be very willing to exchange feelings and share each other's knowledge.

But it happened to be at this moment, in this situation, that there was a sense of tension between them.

The arrival of Gong Furuo made this invisible smoke even more hidden, hidden under the surface of harmony.

After all, Pei Jingxing was taller. The smile on his face widened, and he stretched out his strong arms to hug Pei Xingzhi vigorously, and gave him a firm hand on his shoulder.

Pei Jingxing: "You kid, you don't know that your grandfather and parents talk about you at home every day."
Pei Jingxing: "Good boy, as long as you are willing to come back."
Pei Xingzhi grinded his teeth secretly. Pei Jingxing was still so annoying. These words made him sound like an ignorant person.

He was not one to be taken lightly, so he immediately punched back as if he was joking.

Pei Xingzhi: "You also said that Shanshi often complained to me on the phone, saying that you had a wife and forgot about your sister. I heard that your relationship with Xia You is quite good. It seems that something went wrong. Then the night became a beautiful thing."
Pei Jingxing couldn't laugh anymore. Xia You's existence was now the biggest obstacle to him.

At that time, after Gong Furuo got married, he originally thought that there was no hope in his life. It happened that the Xia family suddenly encountered changes and needed the identity of the Pei family's young mistress to help them calm down. He made it clear to Xia You that he was only giving this position. Just do your duty for the Pei family.

Thinking of Xia You and looking at his tall, handsome brother in front of him, Pei Xingzhi's eyes darkened again and again.Perhaps it was the flattery from outsiders over the years that made her forget the truth. She was too greedy and too stupid.

No matter how you look at it, Pei Xingzhi's sudden return has something to do with Xia You.

Pei Jingxing: "Xia You and I, we all know that we should behave and not speak nonsense."
(End of this chapter)

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