Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 339 14 White Moonlight

Chapter 339 14. White Moonlight

Gong Furuo saw all the war between Pei Jingxing and Pei Xingzhi, but she was not familiar with the world. How could a little princess who had just tasted love know so much? Gong Furuo just looked at it with pure eyes. Watching them.

Gong Furuo: "You two... seem a little weird."
The two of them felt a little regretful and shouldn't have said so much in front of her.Although Ruoruo is simple, she has never been a stupid person. On the contrary, she is very smart.

Pei Jingxing and Pei Xingzhi were indeed brothers from the same mother. They looked at each other casually and reached a consensus.

Pei Xingzhi looked at her fondly and smiled softly. His narrow peach blossom eyes when he smiled were filled with a gentleness that could drown people. It was not the gentleness that did not reach the bottom of his eyes when facing others, but the love that truly put people in the bottom of his heart.

Pei Xingzhi: "You, you, what are you thinking about in your little head?"
Pei Xingzhi: "But I misunderstood the two of us. What's so weird? Huh?"
Pei Xingzhi is very good at seeking small benefits for himself.

While diverting her attention, he kept his expression calm and gently put his hand on her shoulder with an indifferent expression, lowering his head slightly and looking directly into her eyes.

Gong Furuo was indeed a little embarrassed. He pondered for a while and shook his head.

Gong Furuo: "No, it seems I'm overthinking."
Gong Furuo looked a little troubled, and his lowered eyebrows were surprisingly beautiful, giving off a hint of tenderness.

Pei Xingzhi's hand on her shoulder couldn't help but tighten. His throat felt inexplicably dry, and his sexy Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Pei Jingxing's eyes passed over Gong Furuo, and finally settled on her graceful shoulders, where - Pei Xingzhi held her in his arms in a possessive gesture. Pei Jingxing looked at her for a long time with unclear meaning, his eyes He took two steps forward without leaving any trace, and naturally put down Pei Xingzhi's hand while talking about common things.

It all happens quickly and discreetly.

There was some emotion in the eyes of both men. The emotion was the boredom and jealousy that arise involuntarily when facing a love rival.

Gong Furuo, the real heroine, always stayed out of the incident, standing in the center of the storm with a pure face, leisurely admiring the intrigues of the Pei brothers.

However, if you watch too many dramas like this, you will get tired of the lack of guarantees.

Gong Fuluo smiled and pushed the two of them onto the sofa. You two haven't had breakfast yet. I'll bake you some toast. Let's try my handiwork this morning.

Without giving either of them time to react, she walked into the kitchen.

Pei Jingxing and Pei Xingzhi looked at each other, no longer caring about love and hatred, and chased after them worriedly.

Gong Furuo was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a fruit platter cut into delicate heart shapes. In the kitchen in front, Pei Jingxing and Pei Xingzhi rolled up their sleeves and were busy.

The originally deserted place was instantly filled with human smoke, and all of this happened quickly before Gong Furuo could react.

In a daze, Gong Furuo felt as if he had returned to his youth.

Pei Xingzhi walked out first with a steaming cup of soy milk. He put down the soy milk seemingly calmly, and then sat down next to Gong Fuluo.

When Pei Jing walked out of the kitchen, the only two seats left for him were opposite Gong Furuo.

He glanced at Pei Xingzhi lightly and actually laughed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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