Chapter 398
Zhao Ting: "Shi Jieyu, I was confused for a moment and I did something wrong. I really know that I was wrong. I promise I will never do it again in the future. Please forgive me."
Shi Jiyu's hands carrying her schoolbag turned white. She didn't know why she had some insomnia after returning from Wei's house with the Zhang family yesterday. Wei Yan's scorching facial features full of ruthlessness often lingered in her mind. , which kept her awake.She was already irritable this morning, and the fact that she was invited to the rooftop on the way into the classroom made her even more upset.

Although Shi Jiyu was upset, he was able to accurately receive all this information.

Shijiyu: "Why did you do that to me? Does it do you any good to insult me ​​in such a despicable way?"
Shi Jiyu had some impressions of the girl in front of him who was crying so hard that she was petite, with sweet facial features. She was very popular in the class, but he disliked her inexplicably and often said specious things that disgusted her. But all of this was supposed to be It was so harmless that she could use such vicious methods.

Tokakuyu: "Why do you hate me so much?"
Zhao Ting didn't seem surprised that she would ask her this question. She didn't even hesitate for a moment and apologized repeatedly while choking.

Zhao Ting: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It's all because of jealousy. Gong Furuo is too kind to you. She is my most admired idol. You can get close to her as soon as you enter the school. I was not clear-headed and did something wrong." ."
Zhao Ting: "I have been warned and received the punishment I deserve. I sincerely apologize to you and hope you can forgive me."
It was so ridiculous, Shi Jieyu glanced at her and left without saying a word.

Behind her, Zhao Ting, whose face was full of tears, stared at her thin back as she left, with an ugly expression and stern eyes.

Shi Jiyu was rarely absent-minded in her studies today. She fiddled with her books and gradually became lost in thought. Diagonally in front of her, Zhao Ting's eyes were red.

Fang Yu put down the pen in his hand, his voice cold.

Fang Yu: "Zhao Ting made a mistake, she can no longer stay in Class [-]."
Tokiyu didn't react. He was startled by her cold voice and reflexively said "Huh?"

Fang Yu was unusually patient today, answering her questions like a living Bodhisattva.

Fang Yu: "The status of Class [-] of Jincheng No. [-] Middle School is beyond your imagination."
No wonder she was so sad. Shi Jieyu lowered his head and remained silent.

Fang Yu: "You are very powerful."
She spoke without any end, with a coldness in her voice. When Shi Jieyu wanted to ask more questions, she was unwilling to ask any more questions.Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you were targeted."
Gong Fuluo's face was pale, his eyes were full of guilt, and his eyelids were a little pink, making him even more pitiful.

When she spoke, her voice was low and breathy, and her raised neck was white and fragile. She was a completely harmless and weak girl.

Fang Yu slowly took out his handkerchief from his schoolbag. There was a small word "yu" embroidered in the lower corner of the handkerchief.

Fang Yu: "Here, wipe your face."
Zhou Qinhan looked at Gong Fuluo's face and saw that her cheeks were wet and tears were gathering in her eyes.

Gong Fuluo wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, and Zhou Qinhan quickly patted Gong Fuluo's back in a comforting manner.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Fang Yu sighed and wiped her cheek gently. She retracted the handkerchief and curled her fingers slightly.

Shi Jiyu pursed his lips and looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It was the same when she was in the orphanage. It was obvious that she was the victim, but after she shed two or three tears...

Shijiyu's face turned pale, and she didn't understand why she suddenly thought like this. She shook her head to shake these terrible thoughts out of her head.

(End of this chapter)

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