Chapter 399
Gong Furuo still looked at her with watery eyes, his almond-shaped eyes were clear and bright, and his black hair fell naturally behind her, as delicately as a glazed lily.

Shijiyu drove those inappropriate thoughts out of his mind and tried his best to smile at her.
Shi Jieyu: "This has nothing to do with you, Ruoruo, please stop blaming yourself."
Her pale hand gently placed on the back of Gong Furuo's hand. Shi Jiyu glanced down. The back of Gong Furuo's hand was white and pink, and every bone and joint was delicate. She suddenly felt sad. Sighed.

Shijiyu: "You have done a lot for me."
Gong Furuo then broke down into a smile and looked at her eagerly, his almond-shaped eyes particularly clear and bright.

Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, you are so kind."
Shi Jieyu was noncommittal and smiled slightly.

Zhou Qinhan's eyes turned around and around Shi Jieyu. He rarely said anything, but smiled good-naturedly. Shi Jieyu could probably understand that he had suffered a terrible disaster because of Gong Furuo. After he had tried his best to get Gong Furuo to intervene in this matter, it would be difficult for Zhou Qinhan to express his displeasure towards him.But the more she understood, the more uncomfortable she became. Shi Jieyu gritted his teeth and controlled himself not to think, not to care, not to be jealous.

Fang Yu's indifferent gaze cast across the gap in the book and fell directly on the hands held by Shi Jiyu and Gong Fuluo.


As the days passed, after the initial turmoil subsided, Shi Jieyu adapted better and better to Jincheng No. [-] Middle School, and Gong Furuo's attitude towards her became closer and closer.

Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, I will bring you the bird's nest porridge cooked by Sister-in-law Li tomorrow. Sister-in-law Li's cooking is excellent. You will definitely like it."
After the girl with a bright smile said goodbye to her, her long dark hair gradually disappeared from her sight. Next to her, there was always another girl with a gorgeous appearance.

Shi Jieyu looked at the beautiful curvature of her skirt and pressed down her hair that was messed up by the wind. Inadvertently, she suddenly thought of Dong Huan.Maybe it's because Dong Huan was just like Zhou Qinhan now, always standing by her side no matter when and where.

Speaking of which, she hadn't thought about Dong Huan for a long time.

Gong Furuo: "Brother, why did you come to pick me up suddenly today?"
Gong Furuo was the closest to Lan Henian, after all, he took on the title of elder brother.

Gong Furuo leaned on Lan Henian's shoulder a little tiredly, and the few strands of hair that were hanging down restlessly pressed against Lan Henian's firm and strong arms.Lan Henian obviously enjoyed this rare closeness to her. He stretched out his hand and carefully smoothed her slightly messy hair, his voice was gentle and his eyes were lingering.

Lan Henian: "Are you tired today?"
Gong Fuluo pouted and closed his eyes slightly.

Gong Furuo: "That's true, but brother, why do you answer the wrong question?"
Lan He laughed young and stroked her tired eyebrows.

Lan Henian: "Father and mother told us a few days ago to prepare for the Dong family's banquet."
Gong Furuo: "Huh?"
Gong Furuo let out a small breath, and she covered her mouth, her already smart almond eyes becoming even more dexterous.

Gong Furuo: "Yes, how could I forget."
Lan Henian smiled disapprovingly, and combed her smooth long hair with his hands, his white fingers lingering in the black hair.

Lan Henian: "It's not a big deal. When you're tired, just close your eyes and take a good rest."
(End of this chapter)

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