Chapter 413 Chapter 40
Zhou Tanhang took Gong Fuluo's hand and left, looking so precious and serious that it made people's teeth ache. Gong Fuluo's face was still pale, with a bright red color at the end of his eyes, washed out by tears, which made people feel loving. Unable to stop, Wei Yan carefully held her other hand, trying hard to search for jokes in his mind to make her happy.

Shi Jiyu was stunned for a moment, thinking of Lan Henian beside him, calmed down, came to his senses, and managed to squeeze out a smile.

Lan Henian: "Over the years, Ruoruo has been the pearl in the hands of all of us. We have carefully taken care of her, keeping her away from all wind and rain and away from all worldly sufferings."
When he said such slightly disgusting words, his expression was so calm, as if he was not talking to such a small girl on the side of such a simple street, but was signing a valuable contract in some magnificent place, with only his eyes. The light is exceptionally soft, revealing a little difference.

Lan Henian: "Our love for her is not simply because she is our savior, but because that person is her, and only she can get everything without reservation."
Lan Henian stared deeply into Shi Jieyu's eyes, as if he had looked into the depths of his soul.

Lan Henian: "No one else can."
Shijiyu lowered her head in silence, unspeakable embarrassment spreading in her heart.

Who the others refer to is clear and self-evident.

She tried her best to smile, and her delicate and soft face looked particularly pitiful with such a cautious smile.

Shi Jieyu: "I really envy Ruoruo that she can have such a good brother like you."
Lan Henian looked at her deeply.

Lan Henian: "We are lucky to have her."
Lan Henian: "In return, I will give you a house in the city center. This house is secretly in your name. As long as you don't want to, no one will know."
Lan Henian: "In addition, add a harmless promise."
Lan Henian: "This is the best reward we can think of."
Shi Jiyu lowered her head and tugged at the corner of her clothes. For a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind. Finally, she nodded and smiled lightly.

Shijiyu: "I accept, thank you!"
His words have made it very clear. Even if he has the same life-saving grace, Shi Jiyu will never be able to become Gong Furuo. In this case, it may be better to accept what he can grasp calmly.

It was straightforward enough. Lan Henian glanced at her in surprise, nodded, and said nothing more.

Shi Jieyu looked at his tall and straight back and curled his eyes. It was okay, a house worth a lot of money, a promise that was harmless to them but a life-saving straw for him.


This time, she didn't just stare at his back and get distracted, but turned around just as cheerfully, her steps being particularly light.

Gong Furuo sat in the luxuriously decorated and comfortable car and saw her reactions through the radio screens one by one. It was rare that he found it interesting. Maybe she herself didn't know that the moment she left happily, her originally dim expression changed. Luck has become a little brighter.

Gong Furuo: "Sure enough, she has grown up, and she is more lovable now."
Looking at the interest in her eyes one by one, the electric current sizzled and the mechanical sound sounded.

System 001: "Ruoruo, I am more lovable than her."
Gong Furuo smiled reassuringly, and with just a smile, the sizzling electric sound disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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