Chapter 414
Shi Jieyu transferred to another school and left with a promise that was yet to be fulfilled by Lan Henian and others. When Gong Furuo received the news, he was stunned for a moment, not realizing that she had such a straightforward character.

Now that she has left, Gong Furuo looked at the gloomy sky with no interest, and smiled needlessly. She was obviously only a teenage girl, but when she smiled, her eyes were full of charm, and she was full of elegance.

Four years later……

Dong Huijia: "I am willing to come back, you, you"
Dong Huijia looked at the girl in front of her, but she was no longer a girl. Four years later, the girl who was originally extremely beautiful has now grown into a person who has brought disaster to the country and the people, with icy muscles and jade bones, and eyes like morning stars.

Gong Fuluo didn't expect that he would come to pick her up, so she smiled helplessly.

Gong Furuo: "You just came back a year earlier than me."
Dong Huijia looked at her and smiled, her eyes full of warmth.

Four years ago, she suddenly left the country and no one could find her. Dong Huijia searched secretly with her own thoughts that she could not explain. In the end, she had no choice but to give up with regret. Lan Henian and others joined forces to find her. No one could be found, so naturally he couldn't be the exception.

It's just...fate favored him after all. When Dong Huijia was on a business trip in country A, he saw her sparkling among the crowd at a glance.

Then it was the usual routine of approaching, understanding, and helping, until he slowly became close to her.

Dong Huijia: "Where should I send you?"
He looked at her expression cautiously, a little unsure of her thoughts. After all, he could probably understand something about the incident a few years ago. This was her knot.

Gong Furuo smiled slightly, her temperament was as calm as Qiu Ju's. She wore a simple sleeveless black A-line skirt today. She had black hair, red lips, white skin and a black skirt. People's eyes couldn't help but stay on her body.

Gong Furuo: "Go to Jinjiayuan and secretly buy a house there."
She sat next to him and winked playfully.

Dong Huijia lost her mind when she heard her words and hesitated to speak, but seeing that she didn't care at all, she smiled to herself after a moment and simply stopped talking. She just looked soft on the outside, but she was strong enough on the inside. , knowing everything well.Her favorite gardenias were placed in the car, and the elegant fragrance of the flowers filled the air. Gong Furuo closed his eyes and rested his mind. After all, there would be a big battle later.

After sending Dong Huijia away, Gong Furuo took a glass of juice leisurely. The orange juice was bright in color, and the hands holding the glass were slender and slender. She found someone to clean it two days in advance, and the effect was still very satisfactory. of.

But after resting for a moment, the door curtain suddenly sounded.

One by one hummed unhappily in her mind.

System 001: "Ruoruo, they are here. They are so anxious that they won't ask anyone to rest for a while."
Gong Furuo smiled slightly. In front of the plain white mirror, she looked at her skirt. Seeing that there were no wrinkles in the skirt, she stomped downstairs to open the door.

Lan Henian: "Ruoruo"
Lan Henian looked at her with burning and affectionate eyes. Behind him were Wei Yan and Zhou Tanhang who also showed a forbearing and affectionate love.

Gong Furuo was stunned when he saw it was them, and then a light smile appeared on his beautiful face.

Just such a faint smile made the three of them blush.

Lan Henian: "Ruoruo", how have you been doing these years?

Lan Henian: "We have been looking for you..."
Gong Furuo interrupted him and let them in sideways.

Gong Furuo: "Everything is fine with me. I have thought clearly enough over the years. I couldn't accept it at first. Then I realized that you are as innocent as me. And then..."
(End of this chapter)

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