Gong Furuo: "Later...I don't know how to face you."
She looked lonely, and her long black eyelashes covered her pupils, making her look beautiful and sad.

Lan Henian couldn't help but stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the top of her hair as gently as before, but he remembered something again and quickly retracted his hand. He had always been thoughtful, so he was restrained.Wei Yan did not have such self-restraint. He quickly stepped forward and hugged Gong Furuo.

Wei Yan: "Do you know how much I've missed you these past few years?"
Gong Furuo raised his eyes to look at him. He had become much more mature over the past few years, but there was still an unruly and unruly energy between his eyebrows.

Seeing that Gong Furuo didn't resist his embrace, Wei Yan's dark eyes became a little brighter and he asked more questions.

Wei Yan: "You really don't blame us?"
Gong Furuo's hot palm hugged her narrow and flexible waist, she pursed her red lips and shook her head.

Gong Furuo: "I know you are also trying to save me, but it's just a combination of circumstances and unexpected things that push us forward."
Wei Yan's lips curled into a smile and relief.

He was not one to push his limits, so he rubbed her head carelessly and let her go as before. It was only a few years, which was enough to make him frightened. He did not dare to be as presumptuous as he had rubbed her three years ago. Her hair was still scattered on her shoulders smoothly and obediently, and the position of a hair strand remained unchanged.

Zhou Tanhang: "Ruoruo, how have you been living alone abroad these past few years?"
Gong Furuo smiled and saw that they were all blocking the door asking one question after another, so he simply turned sideways and let them in.

Gong Furuo: "I am living a good life. I have met many new friends, experienced different lifestyles, and even experienced many things I have never experienced before."
There was light in her eyes when she said this, which showed that she was indeed living a good life.

When the three of them sat down on the soft sofa, they looked at Gong Fuluo sitting opposite them, but suddenly they didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Lan Henian lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly.

Lan Henian: "Ruoruo, Fang Yu..."
Before he could say anything, Zhou Tanhang and Wei Yan nervously and panicked changed the subject.

Zhou Tanhang: "Ruoruo, I'm thirsty. Is there any water to drink?"
Wei Yan: "Ruoruo, let me get some water too."
Gong Furuo didn't seem to hear what Lan Henian had not finished. He smiled lightly and got up to get them water.

Lan Henian received the warning looks from Wei Yan and Zhou Tanhang. Seeing them looking like they were facing formidable enemies, he let out a sigh of relief.

Of course he knew that Fang Yu was a scar that lay in the hearts of all of them, but it could not be repaired if it was not broken. If he did not truly speak frankly about all this, it would be even more impossible for Ruoruo to accept them again without any grudges.

Of course they understood what he was thinking, but... if Ruoruo finally returned to the country, all of this would be as illusory as a mirror and a moon in the water...

Gong Furuo took out two bottles of water from the refrigerator, with tiny water drops hanging on them.

Gong Furuo: "What's wrong with Fang Yu?"
She asked with a slight smile and a natural expression.

Lan Henian smiled happily, she had really grown up, even though she gradually matured without their participation.

Lan Henian: "Fang Yu's matter"
Lan Henian: "He will probably be released from the mental hospital in the next few days."
Gong Furuo was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he thought of, and shook his head slightly. (End of chapter)

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