Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 56 8 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 56 8. True and false daughter
He He was a little frustrated. She was sitting in the first row of seats. She turned around and happened to see Su Jin trimming Gong Fuluo's broken hair. She was a little envious, a little jealous, and even more sad.

The boy with stud earrings lazily buttoned the third button on his suit, exposing his wheat-colored chest. His eyes were always following Gong Furuo. When he saw this, he put his tongue to his upper teeth in displeasure and tsked. A sound.

The opening ceremony ended quickly, and Gong Furuo and Su Jin slowly walked to their classrooms with the flow of people.

Gong Furuo and Su Jin had excellent grades and were placed in Class A, which saved Su Jin the trouble of using some of his privileges.

Delan High School is not only a traditional aristocratic college, but also an open talent training base. On the first day of school, you only need to briefly introduce yourself to facilitate classmates and teachers to get to know each other, and there is no rush to learn progress.

Although most of Class A are children of wealthy families, the Gong and Su families are definitely the leading families among them.Coupled with their good looks, excellent grades, and extraordinary abilities, they were gathered in the center of the crowd as soon as they introduced themselves.

It was really like the moon was surrounded by stars. He He was lying on the desk, looking at it eagerly.

Su Jin has an important guest at home today. His father intends to train and train him, so he has to go back early in the afternoon.

When school was over, Gong Furuo had just walked out of class when he received a call from Su Jin.

Through the distorted and degaussed telephone line, his voice is still gentle and refreshing.

Su Jin: "Ruoruo, it's time for school to end."
Gong Furuo nonchalantly kicked the small pebbles on the roadside with his valuable leather shoes and replied to him with a smile.
Gong Furuo: "School is over. Did you have a good day?"
Su Jin: "Very smooth"
Su Jin gave a bunch of detailed instructions again. She only treated people as children and had to pay attention to them. When Gong Furuo hung up the phone, he stuck out his tongue with lingering fear. He was really miserable. a feeling of.

Lai Yuan: "Gong Fu Ruo"
Gong Furuo looked at the source of the sound. He was a handsome boy with black shiny earrings, only half of the buttons were buttoned, and he had an unruly temperament.After identification, it turned out to be a very handsome stranger.

Gong Fuluo was a little confused, pouted his mouth slightly, looked at him, and pointed at his nose blankly.
Gong Furuo: "How do you know my name? We probably don't know each other."
Her expression is so lively and cute, the word "troubled" is almost written directly on her face.

Lai Yuan raised the corners of his lips, lazily put his long, slender hands in the pockets of his pants, and walked towards her with an upright posture.

Lai Yuan: "I am Lai Yuan"
Lai Yuan: "I saw you give a speech today. It was very impressive. Besides, does anyone in City A know about Miss Gong Furuo's name?"
Lai Yuan, Gong Furuo chewed these two words in his heart again and again, secretly thinking that it was interesting, what a good day today is, and sent them both one by one in front of her.In her plan, they should meet "accidentally" in two days, but since he came to her door himself...

Gong Fuluo's eyes widened in surprise, and her slender white fingers ran through her hair, gently pinning back the black hair that covered her eyes mischievously. The pearl iris brooch shone brightly in the sun.

Gong Furuo: "Senior Lai Yuan, I have admired your name for a long time. Please give me your advice."
Lai Yuan is a sophomore in high school, so Gong Furuo deserves to call him senior.In Delan High School, Lai Yuan is known to everyone.The Lai family is one of the four major families in City A. As the only son, Lai Yuan is unexpectedly rebellious and unruly. He is surrounded by a group of younger brothers. In short, he is a handsome school bully with character.
(End of this chapter)

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