Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 57 9 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 57 9. True and false daughter
Lai Yuan had a bad reputation. He skipped classes, got into fights, and raced. He was still aware of these things. He had seen people who were afraid of him and people who flattered him, but he had rarely seen such a calm and natural look.He narrowed his eyes and smiled playfully, his eyes blazing. Lai Yuan took his hand out of his pocket, held her soft and boneless hand, and nodded with a chuckle.

Lai Yuan: "If someone dares to bully you in the future, Senior Lai Yuan will protect you."
Gong Furuo couldn't help but smile and hold his forehead. This temperament... is very interesting.
In the blind spot where Miss Gong couldn't see, Lai Yuan put his hand close to his nose morbidly, greedily taking a deep breath after another. It smelled so good!It is an elegant, indescribable lotus scent.

Lai Yuan: "Didn't your boyfriend send you home? If I were him, I wouldn't be willing to let such a beautiful girlfriend get out of school by herself."
He probed carefully, staring at Gong Fuluo with his narrow, upward eyes, observing her expression. How come these words are a bit strange?
Gong Furuo listened to his question and answered him naturally without thinking too much.

Gong Fuluo: "Are you talking about Ajin? He is not my boyfriend. We grew up together."
Gong Furuo: "He has something to do at home today and will go back first."
Gong Furuo answered his questions one by one. The exposed back of her neck was fragile and attractive, which made Lai Yuan feel angry. He pretended to walk up to her casually and reached out to grab the black and white patterned ribbon that tied her hair. .

Gong Furuo was a little surprised, protected her hair, and stamped her feet angrily, a blush on her face.

Gong Furuo: "You messed up my hair!"
Lai Yuan didn't panic. The old god was looking at the ribbon in his hand.

Lai Yuan: "You look better without tying your hair."
Gong Furuo looked at him with some suspicion, but when he saw his innocent expression, he became a little convinced.

Gong Furuo: "No one has ever said that to me."
Lai Yuan's sexy Adam's apple rolled slightly, hey, this silly girl is so good.

Lai Yuan: "Really?"
Lai Yuan casually wrapped the ribbon around his wrist, raised his hand shamelessly and asked with a smile

Lai Yuan: "Does it look good?"
Gong Furuo was so annoyed by him that he lost all his temper and nodded helplessly.

Gong Furuo: "It looks good"
In fact, this was not entirely said casually. His arms were strong, the joints on his wrists were prominent, his hands were extremely slender, and he had an angular face. He wore Gong Fuluo's hairband on his wrists. , does not look effeminate at all, but complements his ruffian bad boy temperament.

Lai Yuan saw that she was really appreciating her eyes, so he took it a step further and asked Lai Yuan: "Can you give it to me?"
Gong Furuo nodded indifferently. She had too many streamers of this brand to count. This black and white one was just one she grabbed casually. There was nothing special about it.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, of course."
Lai Yuan was in high spirits, like a big dog that had been rewarded by its master. He smiled with his straight white teeth.

Delan High School is very big, and it is not a short distance from the class to the school gate. Gong Furuo walked slowly and leisurely, and Lai Yuan, who had always been fickle and impatient, stood willingly on her left side, matching her pace. Along the way, he told her some interesting things about the school over the years. Gong Furuo smiled implicitly and nodded from time to time.

When Gong Furuo saw the housekeeper standing at the door, Lai Yuan reluctantly returned the schoolbag he had snatched from his shoulder to her.

Gong Furuo smiled and waved, the breeze blowing her hair
Gong Furuo: "Senior, see you tomorrow."
Lai Yuan: "See you tomorrow"
Lai Yuan stared at the car steadily until it turned into a small black dot and completely disappeared, then he turned around and got into his car with a sigh.

Stupid author: "The extra update of Ping An Xi Le Bao Zi has arrived, okay. (Although it's a little late)"




Stupid author: "And thank you for the flowers (it's too troublesome to take screenshots one by one, so let me be lazy)"
(End of this chapter)

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