Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 58 10 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 58 10. True and false daughter
Gong Furuo still came to school with Su Jin today. She got up a little late and was in a hurry when she went down the stairs. She accidentally twisted her ankle. It wasn't serious, it just hurt a little when walking.

A slender hand wearing a force meter pushed open the car door, and her warm cheeks became more elegant in the sunshine. Su Jin knelt down and motioned for Gong Fuluo to come up.

Gong Furuo had grown up with him since childhood and had long been accustomed to getting along with him intimately. She didn't feel shy at all. She put her arms around his slender neck with a calm expression and hung her arms firmly on his back, like a cute baby. Baby koala.

Su Jin chuckled, supported her body, and walked toward the classroom steadily.

Although He He was smart, he was not considered a genius. He could achieve excellent results only through his own hard work. He arrived in the classroom early in the morning and silently previewed his homework.Su Jin had Gong Fuluo on her back and couldn't open the door. Gong Fuluo reluctantly leaned forward and gently pushed the door open. Finally, he touched Su Jin's smooth face and pinched it again and again.

He He's attention was drawn when she heard the slight sound at the door. She looked away sadly, feeling inferiority sweep through her heart.Only such an outstanding girl can be a good match for him. If I could replace her, would Su Jin do the same to me?He He held the pen and slowly fell into a trance. After realizing what she was thinking, she suddenly woke up and was a little annoyed, why did she think so.However, such thoughts did not disappear, they were just buried deeply by her.

There was a swimming lesson in the afternoon. Gong Furuo and Su Jin put on their swimsuits and got ready in the swimming pool.

He He was always very concerned about the scene in the morning. She kept peeking at Gong Furuo, the probing curiosity in her eyes was obvious.

Now, the opportunity has come
Gong Furuo's ankle had a slight and short-lived pain. After a little rest in the morning, it was no longer serious and basically returned to normal.She turned her head, reached out and tugged on Su Jin's swimming cap.
Gong Furuo: "Ajin, I'm a little thirsty."
Su Jin never allowed Gong Furuo to drink drinks from outside, but helped her bring a thermos of water.Listening to her coquettishness, he touched her head
Su Jin: "The water is in the locker in the locker room. I'll get it for you."
Su Jin: "Just wait for me."
Gong Furuo blinked her thick and long eyelashes and nodded obediently.

Gong Furuo: "I know"
As soon as Su Jin left, his eyes that were just looking at her vaguely suddenly became intense.The girls' swimsuits at Delan High School are conservative. They are light blue in color, with a top with ruffled sleeves, a short skirt that reaches the top of the thigh, and the skirt is wound into three layers.

Before class, Gong Furuo was wearing a short shawl, and her pair of white and slender legs were exposed to the air, attracting attention. The little girl was well developed, her chest was bulging, and her waist looked like it could be broken with a pinch. Thin, hair loosely bunched up.

He He hesitated again and again, but finally plucked up the courage and walked over.

He He: "Hello, I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you give me some time?"
Gong Furuo was a little surprised. Isn't this the girl who was supported by Ajin? She smiled politely and nodded.

What He He wanted to tell was the girl's worries. He didn't dare to say it so carelessly in front of everyone, and then asked
He He: "Can you go over there and talk?"
Gong Furuo looked in the direction she was pointing. She could stay away from everyone without completely disappearing from their sight. This time she couldn't help but give He He a sincere smile. What a good child.
Gong Furuo: "Okay, let's go"
Stupid author: "Thank you for checking in, sending flowers and giving rewards, I love you. (I'm just going to be lazy today, and try my best tomorrow)"
(End of this chapter)

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