Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 66 18 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 66 18. True and false daughter
There were drinks added by Su Jin on the shelf next to them. He randomly picked up two bottles of new flavors and handed them all to Gong Furuo.

Su Jin: "Try which one tastes better."
Gong Furuo slowly unscrewed the lid, took a sip from one bottle, sipped it for a while, and chose a pineapple-flavored bottle. She pointed at the yellow packaged drink with a smile.

Gong Furuo: "This bottle tastes delicious."
Su Jin naturally picked up another bottle and covered it with her thin lips. She vaguely seemed to taste the sweet smell in her mouth and smiled with satisfaction.

The parent-teacher meeting ended quickly, and Gong Furuo packed up his schoolbag and went home obediently.

At night, Gong Yao received a fax about He He's information. He flipped through it casually, but when he saw a detail, his pupils dilated and his face became solemn.

The information stated that He He was born at Binjiang Road People's Hospital at 08:30 in the evening. Due to traffic problems at that time, Lu Wei's amniotic fluid broke early and he was unable to go as he wished. He had already made an appointment and was a high-end private person who had a good response in the circle. Instead of giving birth at the club, I went to the nearest hospital on Binjiang Road and gave birth to the baby safely around [-]:[-].

He sat in the study, his eyes flickering brightly and darkly. He did not continue to read, but lay back in the chair.

The faces of He He and He's mother flashed back and forth in his mind, and he sighed, is there really such a coincidence in this world?
Born at the same time, in the same hospital, with similar faces.

He stayed in the study for too long. As the night got darker, Lu Wei knocked on the door of the study with fruit in hand.

Lu Wei: "Husband, why did it take so long? How is the child?"
Gong Yao subconsciously took the information on the side and forced a calm smile.

Gong Yao: "There's nothing special about that girl named He He."
Gong Yao: "Let's go back to sleep."
Lu Wei nodded, a little confused by his secretiveness, and became slightly concerned. He smiled easily and said yes, and went back to the room with Gong Yao to rest.

Gong Yao tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. He couldn't help but dwell on this matter.After dawn, he quietly asked someone to leave a piece of He He's hair for him during the physical examination that would arrive shortly after Delan High School.

The test results came out quickly.The genetic loci are basically the same, and the accuracy rate reaches 99.99%, supporting the paternity relationship between the two parties.

In other words, He He is the child of the Gong family.

It was as if Gong Yao was struck by lightning. The usually steady and calm man panicked for the first time and was at a loss as to what to do!
Gong Yao thought about it again and again, and decided that this matter should be discussed with Lu Wei. As the mother of the child, she should have the right to know.

Gong Yao: "Wei Wei!"
Lu Wei was busy testing new desserts in the kitchen when she heard Gong Yao calling her name in a heavy voice. She took off her apron in confusion and followed him to the study.

Gong Yao closed the door and handed the two documents in his hand to her.

Gong Yao: "Wei Wei, it's about Ruoruo. You should be mentally prepared first."
Ten thousand thoughts flashed through Lu Wei's mind. Ruoruo is sick?Ruoruo fell in love early?She thinks she can handle any crisis.But after she quickly flipped through the information, she quickly closed the papers with a pale face.

Lu Wei: "Isn't this true?"
Lu Wei: "Ah Yao, don't joke with me."
Lu Wei's voice was trembling, his body was shaky, and he threw the two documents on the table.

Gong Yao held her in his arms and comforted her carefully.

Gong Yao: "The girl named He He we saw that day was mistaken for the girl we saw when she was born."
Lu Wei: "He He is our child, not Ruoruo? Why is Ruoruo not our daughter!"
Gong Yao remained silent and took out the handkerchief to wipe away the tears on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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