Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 67 19 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 67 19. True and false daughter
In the quiet atmosphere, there was a "pop" and the sound of broken glass was particularly loud.Gong Yao and Lu Wei looked at each other, and a possibility flashed through their minds.Lu Wei hurriedly opened the door, and sure enough he saw Gong Furuo standing in front of a pile of broken glass shards with a panic expression, his eyes were red, and tears were hanging on his chin like broken pearls.

Gong Furuo: "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, I just wanted to give you a glass of milk."
She knelt down and tried to pick up the broken glass, which made Gong Yao and Lu Wei feel distressed.

Gong Yao: "Ruoruo, don't touch it. Be careful and prick your hand. Dad will ask someone to clean it up later."
Gong Furuo shed tears quietly and lowered his head deeply.Lu Wei walked around the shards of glass and carefully pulled her into the study. He looked at her face, tried to calm down her emotions, and asked calmly.

Lu Wei: "Ruoruo, what did you just hear at the door? Can you tell your mother?"
Since Gong Furuo was born, she has been cared for and cared for by everyone in the Gong family. After hearing Lu Wei ask her such gentle questions, he couldn't bear it anymore and lay in her arms, crying and talking intermittently.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, is what you just told dad true?"
Gong Fuluo: "He He and I hugged each other wrongly. She is the real Gong Fuluo, and I am He He, right?"
Lu Wei held her face in his hands. Sure enough, her face was full of tears. She gently pressed the tears on her face, looked into her eyes, and hugged her with a gentle voice.

Lu Wei: "Ruoruo, no matter what happens, your relationship with us will never change, right?"
Seeing that Lu Wei had almost comforted Gong Furuo, Gong Yao also stepped forward to express his position. His warm palms fell on the top of her soft hair and his voice was firm.

Gong Yao: "Ruoruo will always be a good daughter to her parents, right?"
Gong Furuo then broke out into laughter and nodded heavily.

Gong Furuo: "Well, yes."
After lunch, Gong Furuo wandered aimlessly outside the manor for the first time.

After all, she is just a young and careless girl. After facing such a huge change in her life, if she still acts as if nothing has happened and looks strong, how can she get more tolerance and favoritism.

What's more, one person can wait here.

The roar of the locomotive came "buzzing", and Gong Furuo took two steps back to the roadside with some fear.

On the wide asphalt road, a man wearing a black leather jacket and a black helmet roared over on a motorcycle. The harsh sound of brakes rang in her ears. The man put down his long legs to support the car and took it down casually. The helmet revealed an unruly and wild face.

Lai Yuan: "Ruoruo, why are you here alone?"
Gong Furuo saw his face clearly and breathed a sigh of relief.He responded listlessly.

Gong Furuo: "Senior, what a coincidence!"
Lai Yuan couldn't help but frown, this girl... was not in the right mood.

Lai Yuan: "Where are you going?"
Gong Furuo shook his head in confusion, his whole body feeling low.Lai Yuan's eyes followed her figure unconsciously, and he sighed softly.

Lai Yuan: "Are you in a bad mood? Do you want to go for a drive?"
Gong Furuo was a little hesitant. She looked at the silver-gray motorcycle in front of her with a bit of hesitation, which was full of cold mechanical meaning, and pursed her lips. When Lai Yuan thought she was going to reject her, Gong Furuo slowly nodded. nodded.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, don't ride too fast, I'll be scared."
Lai Yuan saw that she agreed, striking while the iron was hot, and nodded repeatedly.Seeing her clumsily approaching the motorcycle, carefully trying to climb up while holding up her skirt, he chuckled, stretched out his long arm, lifted her up, and placed her on the back seat.

(End of this chapter)

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